Dream with Interpretation I did this dream on So, You Think - TopicsExpress


Dream with Interpretation I did this dream on So, You Think Youre Awake? yesterday but was rushed for time during the analysis. This is an attempt to do it justice. I liked this dream because Jerry Seinfelds appearance in it immediately puzzled me. You have to know he is significant! Heres the dream. DREAM: Break-In at the Old Folks Home I was in an old folks home. I was lying in my room in bed when I noticed a young woman breaking in through the window. I knew she intended to cause harm to the facility and the people inside. She thought I was senile and told me she was there to give me my pills. I told her OK and she threw what she called Fat Pills and a Pain Killer at me on the bed. I told her thank you for the pills. She went out my front door into the hall and after she was gone I ran to the phone to call the front desk. The first phone I got to did not work. I ran to a different room in my area and found a phone on the desk. I tried dialing it few times and could not get anyone to answer. I finally found the phone number I needed to dial, but instead of numbers, it was a series of shapes and colors. I noticed that the shapes and colors corresponded to the numbers on the phone itself, but I could not seem to figure it out. Finally I decided to just go down stairs to the reception area. I ran down a hall way to the elevator. I noticed that Jerry Seinfeld (from the Seinfeld show) was behind me with a bunch of other people. He was wearing a tuxedo. I pressed the button for the elevator. THE ANALYSIS Its a classic but the old folk is the dreamers parent - mother in particular (the reasons will become obvious). The home represents the body and the living quarters within another home represent the womb. Since the home belongs to the dreamers mother (old folks home) it becomes obvious the dream is about pre-birth and everything else will refer to that. For completeness there are other symbols that confirm this. Both the hallway and the elevator also symbolise the womb and exiting by the front door and going down a stairs to the reception desk symbolise birth and reception at birth. There is no doubting now! An interesting symbol is the pills, in this context they can be indicative of contraception and a break-in while supposedly on the pill could indicate an unexpected pregnancy. So now we know the context we can tell that the woman is both mom and the dreamers female side. More specifically it indicates how moms reaction to being pregnant affected the dreamers female side. We have the woman throwing things. This means mom was hurtful (mom threw things at me but made out it was for my own good). The pain killers tell us that the dreamer has suppressed pain from this time of his life. When we see it in the dream it means we are being asked to deal with it in reality. The fat pills are interesting and tell us that his mother didnt like the weight she put on during pregnancy. Armed with all this, the third sentence of the dream almost interprets itself. It was the dreamers perception that the woman (mom) intended to cause harm (hurt / pain) to the people inside (the dreamer developing in her womb). Now we understand why he suppressed his feelings - to subdue the emotional pain. So we already have enough to say the dreamer must cut-the-ties with his mother but we still get more from the dream. The problems with the phones tell us that difficulty with communication is the result of this painful start and suppression of that pain. We must stick with the female aspects because thats what the dream shows so communication here is expression of feelings rather than intellectual expression. Problems with two phones backs this up as two in dreams has to do with sharing and is enough to even indicate the impact is on the dreamers relationship. It is important to note that because the dreamers partner is not in the dream the foundation for difficulties with emotional expression in the relationship is way back when the dream says, so the dreamer will not have to trade his partner in for a more understanding model! Im joking - just introducing humour to keep a heavy subject light. Now we come to Jerry Seinfeld. What could he possibly mean in this dream? Note this part is at the reception desk so in the timeline of the dream the dreamer is just born. Jerry Seinfeld is behind him so at the time of birth the dreamer had already adopted the traits he stands for. Namely the dreamer is strongly intellectual (thats what a TV personality means). Hes smart! The catch is that he uses his intellect too much and rationalises in situations where it is better to express and / or listen to his feelings. The problem, of course, is that the early life training in suppression of feelings means he doesnt feel his feelings at full strength so that pretty much makes it impossible to be open with them. Again, to remove this suppression simply cut-the-ties with mother and youre heart will be yours to enjoy again. The tuxedo, being black and white, tells us that something is going on right now in the dreamers life that he sees intellectually as black and white. This is even likely to be a general trait but look to relationship (because of the 2 phones) and realise your black and white view is due to this early childhood conditioning. Another way to say the same thing is that the tuxedo represents the dreamer taking something formally (i.e. following protocol rather than feeling). Now we get to why Jerry. Hes a comedian particularly noted for observational humour, often focusing on personal relationships and uncomfortable social obligations. His presence tells us that the dreamers tendency to feel awkward in social settings has the same root cause. Remember though, the dreamer is smart so unless you read this dream youre not likely to ever know he has this issue in social settings. Ive already covered relationships so wont go back into that. Jerrys presence would almost be enough to tell us the whole point of the dream but he is also a positive character. It tells us that the dreamer, through the eyes of an intellectual, sees the world with a clarity that most dont and among other things this allows him to bring humour to situations. He may not always voice his humorous take on things but he has it. COMMENT How was that for a nice positive end to what must have otherwise seemed like a slap down analysis? The reality is we all have issues and our dreams are constantly asking all of us to work on them. We pick out biggest issues up in childhood. This is by design and we pick up exactly what we need to pick up. It is through working on these issues that we grow spiritually and thats the point of the experience of physical life. A wise person knows their limitations and our dreams attempt to make us wise. Once a dream shows us a limitation we no longer need to keep it. We can do any of a number of therapies to eliminate it. Sometimes just the knowledge of the source of the limitation is enough to overcome it. Dreams attempt to wake us up to what we need to work on. Working on these issues is part of our life purpose. With free will we have the choice to do nothing about them and go back to sleep but who wants to do that? (c) Copyright Michael Sheridan 2015
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 20:30:18 +0000

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