Due to the refusal of IRS and other government employees to - TopicsExpress


Due to the refusal of IRS and other government employees to cooperate in the Congressional investigations .. and based on their selective memory and out and out lies that could not be believes by a 1st grader, the GOP Congress now sees the IRS has being a very unfunny joke! You people are all living during historical moments. Never in the history of our Nation has a President and an Attorney General supported and stood behind known liars and criminals and prepped them with defenses that are so weak that they know it is not being bought by anyone .. but they dont give a rats butt! White House attorney Jennifer O’Connor testified before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Tuesday that she couldn’t recall who she worked with during her six months at the IRS. Before working for the Office of White House Counsel, O’Connor worked for the IRS from May 2013 to November 2013 to help the agency deal with the IRS scandal. Besides naming acting IRS Commissioner Daniel Werfel, IRS Chief Counsel William Wilkins, and IRS Deputy Chief Counsel of Operations Chris Sterner – whom she reported to – O’Connor could not name one person she interacted with or specifically reported to her during her tenure at the IRS. Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) said, “Mrs. O’Connor. You’re a very bright person. You’re a very personable person. Why are you being so elusive? Why not just tell us who you asked questions of? Who interacted with you? You haven’t named a single person,” Chaffetz said. During Chaffetz’s exchange, Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) interrupted: “Mr. Chairman, I think you may be unfair to the witness. The fact is that last night, the commissioner could not remember 60 days ago who told him about the importance of losing those documents. “Last night, he could not narrow less than 60 days ago within 30 days when he was told. I think that in fact the ability to remember at the IRS is simply limited,” Issa concluded.
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 22:21:32 +0000

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