.. EACH DAY OF OUR LIVES WE MAKE DEPOSITS IN THE MEMORY BANKS OF OUR CHILDREN .. -HAVEtimeREADINGthis- :) .. 10 Tips For Healthy, Effective Parenting to make your journey simple and easy: 1. Love Your child will not remain young forever. Time flies fast. Childhood is the best time where you can spend much time with your kids. So you need to make this journey more memorable. Capture your memorable moments with them right from the stage of a toddler to a teenager. This shows your unconditional love towards them. Some day, your child will want to have a family their own, and will look for your advice and approval. Marriage is one of life’s greatest occasions. No one can replace a parents love and warmth. You can inculcate the importance of marriage in your child from a young age so that he/she may grow up understanding love and responsibility, all by how you treat your husband. 2. Have patience Don’t get irritated by your child’s behavior. Think from their perspective. They will annoy you now and then. For example if your child asks for chocolates frequently, give them occasional treats but make them understand that too many sweets can affect their teeth. Also, don’t make this a habit. Try to explain to them the effects of eating too much candy. 3. Dine together Spare time for your kids. Ignore all your work pressure. No matter how busy you are spend time with them. Have at least one planned meal together with your family, with your husband and children. By this they will learn the importance of family and respect you. Also, it is important that you feed your family healthy food! Feed your child healthy food right from a young age. Food habits developed at a young age will last long for the rest of the life. Never feed your children with excess food. Overweight children develop many diseases. Studies say that overweight kids will develop a higher risk of heart attack. 4. Play Spend time with your children. Play with them. Teach them how to play well. Through this way you can not only teach them importance of sports but can also have fun with your kids whilst bonding. 5. Money Teach them the value of money. This is the most important factor which should not be ignored. Educate your child how to spend money wisely. Encourage them to earn their pocket money.By doing this they will learn the value of money and can manage their expenses better. 6. Genuine affection Children need lot of care and affection. Hug your children and make them happy and make them feel secured and liked. Your children will also learn by example as you show your husband genuine affection. 7. Reward them Motivate your children for their success. This boosts their confidence levels. Appreciate them and show them how proud you are. For example if your kid gets good grade in school, buy a gift to your child; toys, clothes, books, cycle or watches/good gadgets usually interests young kids to reach further goals. However, do not always reward your kids with tangible gifts, sometimes just a word of encouragement will lift them up! 8. Avoid pressure These days parents pressurize their kids to study hard or achieve something just with an intention to live up parent’s dreams. Be different from others. Instead of forcing them, try to understand their interests. Motivate them to participate in their passion and encourage them to excel in it, be it dance, acting or even stand-up comedy. 9. Be a role model Children will watch your activities and will imitate the same. Focus on the aspects you want to teach them. Develop friendliness, respect, helping attitude, honesty, kindness and love. You would like to see your child to grow up into a good person. As a parent, it is your responsibility to set a good example to your kids. It is essential to have a happy married life as this definitely reflects on your children. 10. Counsel your children Children look at their parents as their principal source of advice. Listen to their problems and help them make mature decisions. Your children will require your wisdom and foresight in life altering circumstances such as choosing a college, their first job and marriage. It is important that you spend time with their partners to understand them better and provide your children with your valuable opinion. -iloveudadi Mark- mwah :)
Posted on: Wed, 05 Jun 2013 13:33:50 +0000

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