EAST MEATH CARDIAC FIRST RESPONDER UNIT The East Meath Cardiac First Responder Unit was formed in 2012. Our main goal is to have as many people in the community trained on How To Perform CPR and be able to use the External Defibrillators we are installing in the community. We have one External Defibrillator in a bright yellow cabinet installed outside Pats Centra in Bettystown. The defibrillator has been accessed from the external cabinet on two occasions in the past few months when two members of our community felt unwell. The two people have since phoned the responder unit and thanked us as they felt reassured that the defibrillator was there when they felt unwell. We have an external cabinet installed below the Texaco sign at Harrys Centra in Mornington. The defibrillator has been ordered and paid for and we hope to have it in operation soon. The unit has over 20 trained responders in the area at the moment. Further members of the community will be trained by our two newly qualified instructors. The responder unit went to the local scout group in Laytown were over 40 of the local scouts were shown how to perform CPR and use the external defibrillators etc. They were absolutely fantastic and showed great interest. Pats Centra in Bettystown have kindly sponsored 10,000 full colour brochures explaining what the unit is all about and before Christmas every household in the community should receive one. We need the help of the local community and businesses to help us step up the defibrillator installations around the community and get as many people trained up on how to use them. As we are a voluntary organisation receive no government funding we are depending on funds from the community. All donations received are logged and accounted for as we are working within the Code of Governance. In October we will be doing a door to door collection and we are appealing to all resident associations to help us out in their estates with the collections. We are asking all the local schools if they can place a Mobile Phone Collection Box in the schools to collect old broken mobile phones. 300 phones get us a FREE Defibrillator. Maybe the schools would consider doing a non-uniform day for their community? If you are a member of the Parent Association in any of our local schools could you suggest this to the Board of Management. If any group in the community has an internal defibrillator would they consider putting it outside if we supply the external cabinets? We are hoping to have external defibrillators close to all the local football pitches, play grounds etc, can any of the coaches, teams help us out? If you can help the unit in any way it would be much appreciated. Contact us by TEXT: 089-234 0310 or email us at eastmeathcardiacfirstresponderunit@hotmail or you can message us on face book. Donations to the unit can be made at East Meath Credit Union Account No: 10082. We need all sections of the community to pull together and help us get more Defibrillators in the area and train up people on how to use them. These defibrillators could potentially SAVE LIVES in our community. Our volunteers are working extremely hard behind the scenes for the community and all we are asking is that the community gets behind the unit and help us achieve our goals. Please support your community & our volunteers. Thank You. MOBILE PHONES CAN BE LEFT AT PATS CENTRA IN BETTYSTOWN.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 17:26:36 +0000

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