EBOLA LATEST IN LIBERIA - PLEASE READ! PRESS RELEASE March 31, 2014 The Ministry of Health and Social Welfare wishes to confirm that two out of the seven samples sent for laboratoryanalysis of theEbola Virus in Liberia are positive, indicating that Liberia now has an outbreak of the virus. According to Health and Social Welfare Minister Dr. Walter T. Gwenigale, one of those tested positive is dead while the other person is alive. Speaking at the Ministry of Information Press briefing on Monday in Monrovia, Minister Gwenigale told the public that the lady tested positive left Foyah in Lofa County, over the weekend and travelled to Harbel, Margibi County where she and her family are being closely monitored in addition to the taxi driver who transported her from Foyah to Monrovia. Dr. Gwenigale and Information Minister Lewis Brown admonished the press against direct contact with those suspected or tested positive with the virus for fear of contracted the virus and that the media should help educate the public to make informed decisions about their health. Also speaking during the press briefing, WHO Country Representative, Dr. Nestor Ndayimirije, commended the government of Liberia for acting swiftly to provide information to the public about the disease. Speaking further, Dr. Ndayimirije, appealed to the public to avoid fear, panic, and denial about the Ebola virus so that appropriateactions can be taken to prevent and contain the disease. He also appealed to the media to provide accurate information to the public about the virus, taking into consideration that Ebola is not air-borne but that it can be transmitted through contacts with body fluids of infected persons and some bush animals including fruit bats, monkey, andchimpanzee. Meanwhile, the MOHSW and partners have stepped up robust plans and strategies to prevent and contain the spread of the Ebola virus in Liberia. Hotlines have been established for the public to call and get basic information about the disease. The hotline numbers are 0770198517, 0777549805, 0886530260, 0886549805.Other ongoing efforts are coordination meetings at both national and county levels, distribution of personal protective sets to hospitals in Montserrado, deployment of two teams to Nimba and Bong counties to support county efforts, training of clinicians to create more awareness, resource mobilization, improved water and sanitation, contact tracing, surveillance and case management in affected areas. Awareness messages in various dialects and information fliers on Ebola have been produced and disseminated to the various counties as part of efforts to prevent the spread of the disease. The MOHSW is appealing to superintendents and local authorities in the various counties to work closely with CountyHealth Teams to coordinate activities with religious and community leaders and gCHVs in preventing and containing the Ebola outbreak in the country. The public is also advised against buying bush meat for consumption. The public is encouraged to take the following precautionary measures during this suspected Ebola emergency: • Not to eat dead bush animals or be very careful in handling fresh bush meat. • Avoid bathing dead bodies of suspected patients. • Avoid eating plums/mangoes and other fruits partially eaten by bats. • Avoid eating monkeys, bats, and bamboos • Avoid eating dead animals • Prevent coming in direct contact with body fluids of infected persons or dead persons. • Wash your hands with soap and water as frequently as possible. • Treat your water with chlorine before drinking. • Bernice T. Dahn, MD, MPH • Deputy Minister/Chief Medical Officer-RL Related information - please read: 1. A conference call was held between Liberian and Guinean Health Ministries and Guinea reported that it now has 200 known cases, 78 Ebola related deaths; 2. Similar meeting was held with Sierra Leone and 7 known cases are under surveillance with 1 Ebola related death; 3. Senegal has reported 1 suspected case thus she has closed her borders with Guinea and halted all trading activities between the two nations; 4. As of this morning, Liberia has 33 cases under isolation, quarantine, surveillance and treatment in 4 counties (Lofa, Margibi, Montserrado & Bong) 5. The Ministry of Health has instructed all County Health Teams to selected medical staffs for training in establishing and handling Ebola Isolation Units; the government has mandated all governments hospitals to create Ebola Isolation Units; 6. The confirmed case in Harbel, Margibi County is under isolation and her immediate relatives are under serious surveillance and symptomatic treatment; 7. The Ministry has launched intense contact mapping that has led them to the Chicken Soup Factory Area in Gardnersville, Monrovia. The Confirmed Ebola case that is under Isolation right now in Harbel (Madame X) spent two nights with her relatives in the Chicken Factory area when she was feeling ill and was actively carrying the Virus so the inhabitants of the house are all being tested and placed under surveillance; 8. The Government is asking religious institutions to be cautious of sharing silver ware for many people during holy communion so as to help prevent the spread of the virus; 9. The Government is rallying funds and materials from national and international partners to help the country fight the dreadful Virus; and 10. The Government maintained that she is very concern about the Ebola outbreak but she falls short of calling it a national emergency.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 08:52:28 +0000

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