ECONOMIC FREEDOM FIGHTERS RESPONSE TO MR. RONALD LAMOLA: 13 June 2013 Economic Freedom Fighters have noted the statements of Mr. Ronald Lamola, former Deputy President of the ANC Youth League on the determination of Economic Freedom Fighters to continue the struggle for total economic emancipation of the people of South Africa. Mr. Lamola makes hilarious comments and calls on the youth not to support their own struggle for economic freedom in our lifetime because he believes that this struggle can be pursued through the Zuma National Task Team (ZNTT), which replaced the elected structures of the ANC Youth League and currently on rampage of destroying the Provincial, Regional and basic structures of the organisation. As true Fighters for economic emancipation, we would not respond to Mr. Lamola because in any way, radical and militant youth have never taken him serious, particularly after he knelt in front of Jacob Zuma to beg for forgiveness, but got kicked whilst on his knees. But because his remarks have potential to mislead society, it is fit to respond to him and remind him that he was spring-boarded to National Leadership of the ANC Youth League as a result of the insistence of DD Mabuza, his erstwhile Employer who had then committed to carry the struggle for radical change until the ANC 53rd national conference in Mangaung. As “Acting President”, Lamola had already drifted away from the resolutions of the ANC Youth League 24th National Congress and joined the chorus of neo-liberal reformists in the ANC, who believed that SA’s economy can be made to benefit all people without radical economic shifts called for in the Freedom Charter. Lamola is a narrow-minded Careerist, who will do anything in his power, including begging Dictators for his personal freedom, thus sacrificing the cause for economic freedom in our lifetime. His zigzagging on principle is evidence enough that he can never be trusted with any task, because he is only concerned about individual progress at the expense of the struggle for economic emancipation. True Economic Freedom Fighters will not listen to Lamola’s faint call because they know that he is a misguided, narrow-minded, and opportunist Careerist, who cannot separate between interests of a generation and his personal interests. Economic Freedom Fighters are aware of many of his individual dealings and shenanigans in the lead up to the ANC 53rd National Conference of the ANC, and will readily expose him if he continues to speak foolishness. So Mr. Lamola must basically shut-up because he does not know what he is talking about and in any way, no one takes him serious. Mr. Lamola does not have any constituency where he comes from, and many people were shocked that he was catapulted to National leadership of the ANC Youth League, because they knew him only as a Church-goer who was not involved in structures of the Movement. Our call is simple: Economic Freedom Fighters who hold the Freedom Charter as an ideal political and practical programme should begin to engage on the following questions: The central questions, as we have already communicated, are centred on the following: a) Whether we should remain inside or outside of the ANC advocating for radical change with the hope that one day the ANC will accept these as the only practical way to save society from starvation and declining living conditions of our people? b) Whether we should constitute an independent political movement not aligned to an electoral political party to advocate for economic freedom in our lifetime without contesting elections? c) Whether we should start an independent political party which will contest the general elections with a manifesto that decidedly speak to these demands for economic freedom in our lifetime? Consultative Forums will be held in this regard, and no fly on the wall and slight irritations will deflect the determination to discuss a possible alternative to neo-liberal, right-wing, capitalist and openly reactionary ideological direction which the ANC has embraced. Our people need real alternatives because 19 years of democracy have illustrated that right-wing, neo-liberal, and reactionary policies will never solves our country’s crisis levels of unemployment, poverty and inequalities. WHAT IS TO BE DONE? ISSUED BY ECONOMIC FREEDOM FIGHTERS: The contact details are as follows: Email: economicfreedomstruggle@gmail Twitter: @EconFreedomZA, and Facebook: Economic Freedom Fighters.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 08:20:49 +0000

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