ED MILIBANDS CANDIDATE KAREN BUCK WANTS TO TAX YOUR HOME. Last week Ed Miliband’s aide Westminster North Candidate Karen Buck came out in support of the so called ‘Mansion Tax’. This week she is trying to back-track on her position on this appalling, ill thought out tax - which would have disastrous consequences for the residents of Westminster North. I strongly oppose this tax on aspiration and on ordinary family homes. Hardworking taxpayers who have paid into the system their entire life, worked hard, saved and purchased a desirable property will be the most badly affected. Those in flats and houses alike, families and pensioners pulled down because of the politics of envy. This tax on homes would mean residents in Westminster North could be forced to pay annual bills of tens and even hundreds of thousands despite property values having increased through no fault of their own. Many older people who have saved up and purchased their home many years ago may have to sell up - residents and pensioners on fixed incomes. Renters would be badly affected by the trickle down effect from the soaring costs of freeholders. Anyone knows that the only time someone profits from a home sale is when you down-size or leave the area. A flood to the market will leave many families in negative equity as they have fought and struggled to live near to their places of work and childrens schools. According to the Office for National Statistics a quarter of people living in homes worth more than £2m earn less than £55k per year. Ed Miliband’s own team cannot even agree on which properties this could eventually apply to – those worth 400,000, £1 Million, £2 million?? Confusion is the order of the day under Ed Miliband’s weak leadership with Karen Bucks support. The policy has even been criticised by industry experts and senior members of the Labour Party. The choice for residents in Westminster North at the general election next year is clear. Weak leadership and endless taxation from Ed Miliband and Karen Buck - or strong leadership, clear focus and a long term economic plan for a better Westminster North from David Cameron and Lindsey Hall. Labour calls these Mansions. WE call them family homes .
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 12:02:54 +0000

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