EDUCATION MINISTER MUST RESIGN OWNING THE RESPONSIBILITY OF COTONHILL HIGH SCHOOL INCIDENT AND CONCERNED OFFICIALS TO BE PUNISHED. The real culprits are the organizers. They published the meeting to start from 9 am or 9.30 am, while they where knowing that minister will be coming only at 11 am and made the children and teaches wait since then. Minister ( or his personal staff) also committed mistake by not ensuring the correctness of the published program by verifying. When the minister was late, his personal staff or security staff or Pilot vehicle personals could have informed the principal before reaching the school.( For what else, they are being maintained and paid for.) If any untoward incident occurred during the period from 9 am to 1. pm inside the school, who will be held responsible? (HM or Minister or the organizers of the the meeting.?) All Gates are for keeping closed normally and to be opened when required. Otherwise no gate is required and gates can be removed and an opening can be kept. Even If I am the HM, I will not wait beyond a limit after the scheduled time of arrival. Whether these ministers are Kings? In fact the kings were far better than present day ministers.( I have no experience but heard). HERE TWO THREE MISTAKES COMMITTED:- 1. PROGRAM WAS ARRANGED DURING THE CLASS TIME. 2. MINISTER AGREED TO PARTICIPATE IN A PROGRAM DURING THE CLASS TIME. 3. MINISTER AGREED TO THE PROGRAM AGAINST THE RULING OF THE SPEAKER. 4. AFTER GETTING DELAYED, CONCERNED OFFICIALS DID NOT INFORMED THE LIKELY TIME OF ARRIVAL TO THE SCHOOL IN CHARGE. 5. MINISTER LIED IN THE ASSEMBLY AND LATELY IN FACE BOOK WITH A MANIPULATED PHOTO, WITHOUT SHOWING THE FULL AUDIENCE. MIINISTER SHOULD RESIGN TAKING THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE WHOLE EPISODE. HEREAFTER NO SCHOOL OR STUDENTS SHOULD BE MADE TO SUFFER LIKE THIS.[ No such program must be allowed during the school time].
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 08:54:49 +0000

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