EGYPT - Nil Blue red sea 15 Days / 14 Nights DAY 1: - TopicsExpress


EGYPT - Nil Blue red sea 15 Days / 14 Nights DAY 1: luxor/????? Leaving your home by flight to Luxor. On arrival reception and assistance with the formalities by our representative Screen World Tours. Transfer to the boat and settle into your cabins. Overnight on board. DAY 2: LUXOR - ESNA (approx. 50 KM) Breakfast. Visit the Temple of Karnak, the Great Temple of Amon Ra, with its impressivepillared hall of 134 columns and then visit the Temple of Luxor that the Egyptians called"the southern harem of Amon". Lunch on board. Free afternoon where you can wanderthrough the souks of Luxor. Dinner and overnight on board. In the evening, apparatus for Esna. DAY 3: ESNA - EDFOU - KOM OMBO (approx. 185 KM) Breakfast. Sail to Edfu. Free time on the boat. Lunch on board. At Edfu, starting in a carriage to visit the Temple of Horus, the largest temple in Egypt after that of Karnak. Sail to Kom Ombo. Dinner and overnight on board. DAY 4: KOM OMBO - ASWAN (approx. 45 KM) Breakfast. Visit the Temple of Kom Ombo dedicated to the gods Sobek and Haroeris. Navigation to Aswan. Lunch on board. In the afternoon, visit the High Dam. Continuation of the visit of the Philae Temple, dedicated to the worship of Isis and saved water by Unesco. Optionally show "Sound and light" in the Temple of Philae. Dinner and overnight on board. DAY 5: ASWAN - KOM OMBO (approx. 45 KM) Breakfast. Optional ability to perform the optional excursion to Abu Simbel where the two temples of Ramses II and his wife Nefertari, which were to be engulfed by water during the commissioning of the High Dam on the Nile. At the initiative of Unesco, will be dismantled beginning in 1965, and rebuilt the same at the top of the spur of the Libyan mountains overlooking the river at this place. Lunch on board. The afternoon felucca ride around Elephantine Islands and visit the botanical garden of Lord Kitchener. Sail to Kom Ombo. Dinner and overnight on board. DAY 6: KOM OMBO - LUXOR (approx. 216 KM) Breakfast. Full day sail to Luxor. Free time aboard. Lunch on board. Optionally show "Sound and light" in the temple of Karnak. Dinner and overnight on board. DAY 7: LUXOR Breakfast. Crossing the Nile to visit the Necropolis of Thebes (Valley of the Kings) where there are tombs hewn into the rock to be protected from thieves. Visit the Temple of Queen Hatshepsut ritual was taking place before him and stop to be beneficial Colossi of Memnon. Lunch on board. Free afternoon in Luxor where you can wander through the souks. Dinner and overnight on board. DAY 8: LUXOR - HURGHADA (approx. 290 KM) Breakfast. Morning free. Lunch on board. Departure by road to Hurghada by bus. On arrival, reception and transfer to hotel. Dinner and overnight at the hotel. DAYS 9 & 10: HURGHADA Three days full board. Day of relaxation beside the Red Sea - optional excursions available on the site. DAY 11: HURGHADA - SUEZ - CAIRO (approx. 530 KM) Breakfast. Departure by bus route to Cairo via Suez, a city that has suffered greatly from the three wars (1956 -1967 and the war of October 1973) that took place along the channel (length 173 km, 200 m width and depth 20 m). Lunch en route. Continue to Cairo. Arrival and accommodation at the hotel. Dinner and overnight. DAY 12: CAIRO (approx. 45 KM) Breakfast. Visit to Memphis and Sakkara. Lunch near the pyramids. In the afternoon, visit the Giza Plateau where rise the three great pyramids of Cheops, Chephren and Menkaure of. In the temple of the valley at their feet is the Sphinx 70 m long and 20 meters high. Optionally show "Sound and Light" at the Pyramids of Giza. Dinner at the restaurant. Overnight at hotel. DAY 13: CAIRO (approx. 30 km) Breakfast. Visit the National Museum of Antiquities, founded by Auguste Mariette in 1857, it houses 250,000 documents covering the history of Ancient Egypt. Lunch in town. Visit the Citadel of Saladin and visit the mosques of Mohammed Ali and Sultan Hassan and then walk in the bazaars of Khan El Khalili. Dinner at the restaurant. Overnight at hotel. DAY 14: CAIRO Free day in full board. Optional possibility of an optional excursion to Alexandria founded by Alexander the Great, was the favorite city of kings, queens, scholars, theologians, philosophers and others committed to remake the world. Dinner and overnight at the hotel. DAY 15: CAIRO / ???? Breakfast. Depending on flight schedules, airport transfer and flight back home. NB The order of visits may be changed due to local requirements (sailing time, passage of the lock difficult to Cairo traffic, crowds of tourists sites ...). The entire program will be respected nonetheless. The trip Hurghada / Cairo (or vice versa) can be achieved under military escort. For safety, the stage of the Suez Canal may be canceled by decision of the convoy. Because of slots used by airlines, it remains possible that the first or last night or the day does so (are) not fully passed (s) at the hotel or on the boat FORMALITIES: passport valid six months after the date back. Visa obtained by us on arrival for all our programs brochure. Entrance fees included: National Museum of Antiquities, the Citadel, mosque of Mohammed Ali and Sultan Hassan, the site of Giza (except the entry in a pyramid), the valley temple, the site of Memphis and Sakkara, the Temples of Karnak , Luxor, Queen Hatshepsut, three tombs in the Valley of the Kings, the temples of Edfu, Kom Ombo, Philae, High Dam, and the botanical garden of Lord Kitchener.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Jun 2013 09:13:17 +0000

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