“EGYPTIAN POLITICS FOR DUMMIES” (Revised) Well they say - TopicsExpress


“EGYPTIAN POLITICS FOR DUMMIES” (Revised) Well they say politics is dirty and makes for strange bed fellas. As I have recently arrived in Cairo and learned of the political situation on the ground, I could no longer stand by idle in to the misinformation, or better yet, lack of information the West is receiving regarding the recent political events in Egypt. What I am about to share with you is what Egyptians believe. Right or wrong, it is what they deeply believe and which has led to the historic record breaking demonstrations in the streets of Cairo in the last few weeks. It is a very different picture than the West is receiving. I must start with the Egyptian presidential elections two years ago. As you recall, Morsi was a prominent member of the Moslem Brotherhood that was strongly supported by the United States in his candidacy for president. At the time, I was perplexed. Why would the United States support a candidate that has a clear political history so vehemently opposed to the United States and, regrettably more importantly to the United States than the United states itself, Israel? Western intelligence did not discover that Morsi referred to the Jews as ‘the descendants of apes and pigs’ after his election. They knew that well in advance. If they didn’t, Israel did. They did not discover the Moslem Brotherhood’s ties to Hamas, a well-established terrorist organization, after his election. They knew it well in advance, and if they didn’t, most assuredly, Israel did. On the other hand, his opponent, Ahmed Shafik, seemed to stand for everything that the West believed in and appeared to promise the same strong alliance Mubarak, his predecessor, did. So what gives? Now I recognize the answer was simple. Mohamed Morsi, a political prisoner, heading a heavily oppressed political organization with political aspirations for the last 85 years, was much more desperate and, therefore, much more controllable. Ahhh …there it was. Finally. The global curse of the Middle-East Crisis was within arms- reach of a permanent solution. Israel’s problem is the United States problem. Anyone who denies that is being intellectually dishonest. Israel, over the last few years, has planned and strategized how to create a safe nation for its citizens. The two-state solution has been broached for years but the ultimate solution is to get the Palestinians out of Israel. For that to happen, the inescapable need is land. There is only one direction where this land can be found and that is south. The Sinai. The perfect storm! Everybody wins. Though the Sinai belongs to Egypt, it is barren desert land that Egypt is not putting to much use. It is directly connected to the Gaza Strip so the exodus would be simple. It’s not like it hasn’t happened before. Israel would win because they would obviously get all their nation without the presence of their Arab enemy within their borders. The United States would win because Israel would win. The Palestinians would win because they would have their own new land ten times the size of the land they are cramped in now. What about the government of Egypt? Would they win? Absolutely! To understand that, you must understand the mind-set of the Moslem Brotherhood which could not have been more clearly stated then when their previous leader exclaimed: “The hell with Egypt! We do not care about the boundaries of one Moslem State. Our allegiance is to Allah. Not Egypt. Our goal is clearly that the entire Middle East would be one Moslem state under Allah.” Accordingly, giving Sinai to the Palestinians would be in perfect accordance with Allah’s will as long as they are Moslem. However, for that to happen, the Moslem Brotherhood would have to be in control. So everyone wins. Right? Well, everyone except patriotic Egyptians (consisting of moderate Moslems and the entire minority Christian population) who love their land and would die for it. Keep in mind, unlike Europe and the rest of the entire world, Egypt’s boundaries have not permanently changed for thousands of years. The bottom line is, whether it had to do with the indisputable corrupt elections that got the Moslem Brotherhood in power in the first place, or the unprecedented stupidity and political incompetence they demonstrated after they got in power, the United States made a choice in the Middle East that was dead wrong … again! They underestimated the independence, intelligence, and will of the Egyptian people. It was a good try … but a huge fail nonetheless! General “El SiSi” of the Egyptian military tried to explain to the United States that what took place in the last few weeks was not a military coup, but rather an awakening by the average Egyptian, reflected by millions in the streets, to this masterminded political plan by the West to divide and conquer the land of Egypt. El SiSi did not force military rule on the people; he responded to the majority’s desperate call to avoid an inevitable civil war. He said you turned your back on the Egyptians and they will not forget that. When the tragedy of 9/11 took place, Americans were asking: “Why do they hate us?” The appointed 9/11 Investigative Commission was ordered to remove any reference in their findings to opposition to America’s blind support to Israel and their perceived role as a dishonest peace broker in the Middle-East. Never mind the Truth! That would not be good for Israel and, tragically, that’s what really matters; not what’s good for America. Don’t misunderstand me ... The problem in Egypt today has nothing to do with support of the Palestinian’s rights. In fact, it is because of them. The situation is only analogous in that America is selling out its alleged Egyptian longtime allies for, once again, the ultimate benefit of Israel. That is no way to win friends. America has to deal with Egypt. What happens in Egypt does not stay in Egypt. It is the most populous, reasonable, and influential nation in the Middle East, and extremely opinionated. Americans are more hated in Egypt today than ever before. The sad thing is that the American public is, once again, clueless! They are the victims of their own government’s misguided, top-secret, foreign policy. Undisputable evidence has been presented that Hamas was an integral part of this dastardly plan and were working closely with the Moslem Brotherhood in its execution. Egyptians are angry and asking: why is Hamas being sold to the American public as a terrorist organization and a long-time enemy of the United States and at the same time being supported by the United States to help the Palestinians occupy our land? Why is America’s war against terrorism justified everywhere except in Egypt? Don’t we share the same enemy of Islamic extremists? Today, the situation in Egypt is even simpler. The country is divided by two groups: 1) Radical Islamists mainly represented by the Moslem Brotherhood who, though given an opportunity to rule the country, almost destroyed it by their hurried attempt to impose Sharia law. (One of the main issues debated during their rule was reducing the legal marriage age of girls to 12 … the hell with the economy). They promised to democratically govern all Egyptians. THEY LIED! In fact, yesterday (Aug 15, 2013) they burnt to the ground nine more churches, some dating back to the second century. And to help clarify things even more, let me sum up their belief: “We are the ‘true’ Moslems. Everyone else is going to hell. All those hell-bound are the enemy of God. All the enemy of God should be killed”. That’s the unspoken spiritual take. However, they mainly use religion for political goals. That’s bad … but what makes it even worse is the goals themselves are wrong! If implemented, they would indubitably lead to 15th century social, cultural, educational, economic, and political retardation. Although only having an official membership of 600,000 they have support of approximately 20% of the over-all population. 2) The second group includes moderate Moslems and the Christian minority which make up approximately 80% of the population. It is said in a recent one-day demonstration on July 26, 2013, over 30 million marched the streets of Egypt. These are free-thinking citizens that share the civil rights beliefs of the West (freedom of press, speech, and religion). They vehemently oppose those imposing their views on them through hate, terror, and violence. They consist of many Moslems who distain the use religion to manipulate the masses. They are passionate and extremely patriotic. These demand a civil government that separates religion from the State. This group, after the calamity of the Brotherhood’s rule, is growing in numbers. So here is the disillusionment. Why is the United States supporting the radical Islamist minority in Egypt? It’s for the long-term good of Israel. Not the United States … And that’s what really matters. Meanwhile, back at the ranch … what are Americans seeing and learning on their television sets? “Those poor bastards … They just haven’t learned how to handle democracy”. As an American I say in my heart “God bless America”, the land that I love. As an Egyptian, I say in my heart “God help Americans understand how dirty politics is, that there are good and reasonable people other than Israel in the Middle East! Help us change our Governments foreign policy to what is right and truly in the interest of the American people ... To use the power You have granted us in this world to do good and not evil”. Rafik Y. Kamell
Posted on: Sat, 17 Aug 2013 02:18:09 +0000

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