EMPTY DRUM! In a house where there are no boreholes, the - TopicsExpress


EMPTY DRUM! In a house where there are no boreholes, the occupants of such house will have to get a storage container like a drum, to store water after being fetched either from a nearby tap or well; isnt it? This is to grant easy access to water to those in the house. The occupants of such house will always ensure that, the drum does not go empty before refilling it; because an urgent time may arise when water is needed, and the drum is empty, and also the nearby tap isnt flowing...(Not going to be funny that day!). So at every available opportunity, the drum must be refilled so as to serve them in the house, because an empty drum is of no use to them!!! Today, many so-called christians are like an empty drum! They were once filled with the power of God, zeal for God, Spirit of God, righteousness, anointing, etc, as they spent quality time in prayers and study of Gods Word; BUT unfortunately, as they got involved in Gods work, they allowed so many side-attractions/distractions to affect their personal relationship with God: having no time to commune with God again, having no time for studying Gods Word as they used to, now waking up and jumping out without spending quality time with Him which was once their source of power, now reducing Gods standard of holiness, and erecting the pillars of it doesnt matter which are actually destroying their vine unnoticed! This trend has gradually made their drums empty; though, they still make noise but with no impact as before! Its a pity that many are yet to realise that their drums needs to be refilled! Revelation 2:5: Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent... Where have you missed it? My beloved brothers/sisters, arent we also guilty? Wont you refill yourselves now before the day of scarcity? Revelation 3:11: Behold, I come quickly; hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown. Neglecting your time with God is like having a drum without water...sooner or later, the drum that was once used for storing water, but now empty, can be turned to a drum for collecting rubbish/thrash! May we not become thrash cans in Jesus name-Amen. Oh, you feel, miracles are still happening, but deep down in your heart, you know you are no longer sitting at the feet of Jesus; where have you gone to? Cant you see the devouring wolves out there, how do you intend to overcome them without Jesus by your side? Dear, dont be busy but guilty, busy going to prayer houses but lack the power of secret prayers, busy reciting bible verses but lack the power to live by the Word! It is by sitting at Jesus feet daily, that He can give you the power, revelations, wisdom, visions, the voice and all you need to launch you forth and use you! No matter how busy we may be, no matter the volume of activities before us; we must make sure nothing whatsoever deprives us of spending quality time with God. Lets strive to be like Mary, (who sat at Jesus feet and heard His Word; this she gave more priority to) and not like Martha (who was engrossed in serving, and didnt get Jesus commendation). Jesus said to her: Martha, Martha, thou art careful about many things, BUT ONE THING IS NEEDFUL, and Mary hath chosen that good part! Wont you also chose the good and needful part? Your personal relationship with God is ONLY what can guarantee you a place in His kingdom, and not just your work in His vineyard...many will work for God, and still not be recognised in His Kingdom! Always remember that the stream that forgets its source, will soon dry up! This year, strive to always spend quality time with God...thats the source of your power. Funmibi Cares but GOD CARES MORE!
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 06:20:39 +0000

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