ENCOURAGEMENT FOR TODAY! – 06/28/13 – AUTHORITY IN RELATIONSHIPS – MORE PRAYER Dear friends and family: Today we want to add just a bit more concerning praying for your wife’s spirit. Tomorrow we will move on to her emotions. John 4:14 NIV – “But whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” Psalm 105:3-4 NIV – “Glory in His holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the LORD rejoice. Look to the LORD and His strength; seek His face always.” Proverbs 8:35 NIV – “For whoever finds Me, finds life and receives favor from the LORD.” Comments: Your wife wants to be a strong woman of God. She desires a relationship with God that is solid and faith that is unshakeable. And because women feel pulled in so many directions, they need prayer for patience, love, peace, and all the other fruit of the Spirit to be manifested in their lives. Your wife also want to know God’s will and be certain she is in the center of it. Having clarity about what God is calling her to do, and then doing it, gives her peace. Another good reason to pray for your wife’s spiritual walk is that it is far better if both of you are putting your expectations in God. That keep you from putting all your expectations on each other and becoming disappointed when they are not met. A priority needs to be established between the two of you to communicate openly. Husbands! That means that your complete attention be focused on her so that you might hear and understand her needs based upon what is going on in her life. Her health, her relationships, her ministry opportunities, and all of her feelings. Only then can you pray in a meaningful way for her each day. Our prayer: Dear Abba Father, You and I both know that it is the desire of my wife’s heart to be a godly example to her friends and family, so give her patience with everyone she encounters. Help her to be so filled with Your Spirit that people sense Your presence when they are with her. I know she wants to serve You, but help her to understand when to say, No, if she is being asked to do more than she should. May she glorify You in all she does. Your word says that whoever finds You Jesus, finds life and obtains Your favor, so I pray that my wife will find new life in You today and enjoy Your blessings poured out upon her. Guide her in everything she does, so that she becomes the dynamic, mighty woman of God You want her to be. Give her knowledge of Your will and enable her to stay in the center of it. Help her to trust You with all her heart and not depend on her own understanding. May she acknowledge You in all her ways. Amen! From my heart to yours, Mikess
Posted on: Sat, 29 Jun 2013 02:36:12 +0000

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