ENVIRONMENTAL GROUP GREENPEACE STANDING AGAINST.T OIL EXPLORATION IN NEW ZEALAND... Deep sea oil drilling concerns After the M6.5 earthquake on July 21, 2013, and hundreds of aftershocks that followed, environmental group Oil Free Wellington said the recent series of earthquakes should be enough to stop plans for deep sea oil drilling in the Pegasus Basin which lies south east of Wellington and the Cook Strait. Their spokesperson Jessie Dennis said there are massive risks when drilling at unproven depths in an area with obvious seismic activity. Calling Wellingtonians to join together, she said there is a chance for an oil spill caused by seismic activity should the drilling go ahead. Environmental group Greenpeace is also trying to stop deep sea oil drilling plans. The catastrophic disaster in the Gulf of Mexico showed us all the terrible risks of deep sea drilling. We do not want to take that risk with the coastlines and oceans on which we depend for our economy, our culture and our way of life... We are strong willed, determined and persistent and we will defend our unspoiled waters by all peaceful means available to us... youtube/watch?v=TkuL8wbyBaw#t=118
Posted on: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 07:39:08 +0000

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