EXERCISE OF THE DAY: Burpee Push up to Overhead Press If you - TopicsExpress


EXERCISE OF THE DAY: Burpee Push up to Overhead Press If you are looking to challenge your stability, increase your strength and challenge your endurance on a whole new level then add this exercise into your strength circuit. Step 1: Place your hands directly underneath your shoulders with a nice wide grip on the Bosu Step 2: Jump your legs out into one long dart position. Make sure that you find a nice neutral spine from head to tail. Step 3: If you are ready to challenge yourself add a push up here. (If you want to make it easier then keep your legs in a wide stance or adduct (close your legs tight together to challenge yourself) Step 4: Jump your legs in to straddle the Bosu as you lift it off the floor and extend your arms directly overhead in line with your shoulders. Muscles Utilized: Pectoralis Major and Minor, Anterior Deltoid, Medial Deltoid, Rectus Abdominus and Obliques to stabilize, Glutes, Quadriceps, Hamstrings... Perform this 2x 10-12 reps in between your other exercises. #improveyourendurance #fullbodyexercise #workout #fitness #circuittraining #intervaltraining #integrative #functionalmovement #toneyourbody #weightloss #exerciseoftheday #shapemagazine #fitnessmagazine #wellandgood #tayloredfitness
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 09:52:21 +0000

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