Each individual is a UNIQUE EXPRESSION OF THE UNIVERSAL. No two - TopicsExpress


Each individual is a UNIQUE EXPRESSION OF THE UNIVERSAL. No two human beings experience REALITY in exactly the same manner. The universe never duplicates in its DIVINE MANIFESTATION of any life forms anywhere or anytime in the wide universe. To be seeking to be NORMAL IS EMOTIONAL PSYCHIC DEATH. Your individuality in the world of physical matter flows outward from the CENTER OF YOUR PSYCHE. *Then you are meant to judge your perception of your own projection. All exterior events, circumstance and conditions which you encounter are meant as A KIND OF LIVING FEEDBACK IN THIS COSMIC-DRAMA put on in our corner of the Universe. * You are the LIVING PICTURE OF YOUR IDEA OF YOURSELF. You are a CO-CREATOR and your most intimate physical creation is Your Own Living Sculpture. As any ARTIST uses all of their mind and energy to CREATE THEIR GREATEST WORK OF ART, so in the same manner should you FOCUS upon creating the BEST CORPOREAL SCULPTURE possible for you on the basis of you views about what is POSSIBLE. *Your LIVING SCULPTURE AND YOU WHOLE LIFE EXPERIENCE represents IN SUM YOUR GREATEST WORK OF ART. You are meant to the lessons of an Infant - God here on earth. You are suppose to be learning the ART OF IDEA CONSTRUCTION. You are meant to learn and then to recognize the awesome unlimited powers of YOUR OWN THOUGHT, FEELINGS, EMOTIONS. and your EXPECTATIONS. You, yourselves EACH had a hand in the development of your childhood environment. Your closest environment is the world of your thoughts feelings and emotions and your most intimate physical environment is your own living sculpture. You chose the circumstances, including the form of your body and the abilities which you endowed yourselves with prior to each lifetime journey into the world of time space and your living flesh in a world of incredible richness. You chose ALL OF THE CIRCUMSTANCES. You chose to be FEMALE or MALE, you chose your RACE and your COUNTRY and you chose the historical era with all of its world conditions as A FRAMEWORK, selecting or choosing your own methods for your personal SELF-ACTUALIZATION PROCESS in an eternal order of progression to aid in the expansion of all consciousness toward the GOAL OF VALUE FULFILLMENT. This does not mean that you are at the mercy of those conditions you are immersed within. It means that you chose to set challenges and PROBLEMS TO BE OVERCOME. You intentionally and deliberately SET GOALS TO BE REACHED, and you SELECTED THE HUMAN FRAMEWORK THROUGH WHICH YOU COULD DEVELOP, UNDERSTAND, REALIZE, EXPERIENCE. and express your own UNIQUENESS. WITHIN THIS FRAMEWORK you are endowed and you have endowed yourself with everything you can ever possibly need and require to creative any reality you choose within the laws of consciouness of camouflage physical reality. WITHIN THE UNIVERSE THERE ARE *NO FREE RIDES*, no multidimensional personality can ESCAPE THE CONSEQUENCES OF THE GREAT LAW OF THOUGHT. this law is currently been made familiar with the idea in vogue called THE LAW OF ATTRACTION, ONENESS, UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. These ( THREE ARE ONE ). The IDEA-CONCEPT of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, ONENESS and THE LAW OF ATTRACTION are different terms or phrases employed and used to imply the manifestations of the SAME PHENOMENA. There is ONE TOOL, there is ONE INSTRUMENT that each and every human person MUST LEARN TO USE, TO APPRECIATE, AND THEN TO DELIBERATELY WITH CONSCIOUS RESPONSIBILITY use lovingly with reverence and THAT IS THE CONSCIOUS MIND. Therefore there is NO EXCUSES, and there is little HOPE FOR THE MENTALLY LAZY AND CONSCIOUSLY IRRESPONSIBLE HUMAN BEINGS. Each and every human personality is already a Co-creator, and each and every one of us are learning to become * INDIVIDUATED GODS * as we currently understand the terms which are familiar in our language as MENTAL-CONSTRUCTIONS. Within the core meaning of THE PRIME DIRECTIVE OF VALUE FULFILLMENT, each and every human personality must LEARN TO USE AND MASTER THE PHENOMENON OF CREATIVE CRITICAL THINKING AND THUS REALIZE THE UNLIMITED POWERS OF OUT THOUGHTS INDIVIDUALLY AND EN MASSE. The striving of ONE increases the potentials of the whole. The weakness of ONE weakens the whole. *^* CAVEAT :) *^* The energy of ONE MULTIDIMENSIONAL HUMAN PERSONALITY recreates the WHOLE, and the deliberate intentional striving of one single person increases the potentiality of everyone on the planet and enlivens the consciousness of all living things within the total environment that is.* AN THIS PLACES GREAT RESPONSIBILITY UPON EVERY HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS, BOTH ALIVE AND DEAD, in our ordinary human terms. Oneness means profoundly more than some fluffy sloppy New Age drivel and rhetorical eloquent expression of individual who simply love the sounds of sweet sugar coated words. These words represent concepts which implies individual conscious responsibility. * I would recommend and advise anyone who is reading these COMMENTS I MAKE HERE AND NOW that they should lend themselves a gift of increased understanding and appreciation of their personal human condition by examining and reading these ideas in written form a double reading at a minimum. *These IDEAS-CONCEPT-ESSENCES are a KEYSTONE regarding the meaning and purpose of our human existence here within our chosen human reality. Rising to challenges is a basis for existence in every aspect of each individuals own personal reality. *It is the developer of ALL ABILITIES, and at the risk of being trite or facetious, I must hasten to tell everyone of you that [^ IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF EACH AND EVERY INDIVIDUAL, AND EVEN THE MOST MINUTE PARTICLE OF CONSCIOUSNESS TO USE ALL OF ITS OWN ABILITIES, AND USE THEM WISELY AND EVEN AS ELEGANTLY AS POSSIBLE - TO USE ALL OF THE MIND AND THE IMAGINATION TO THE UTMOST. IT IS FOR THIS PURPOSE THAT EACH AND EVERY HUMAN BEING CHOSE TO INCARNATE TO AID IN THE EXPANSION OF CONSCIOUSNESS. THERE IS NO OTHER PURPOSE FOR BEING HUMAN IN THIS PLANE, THOSE WHO CLAIM OTHERWISE ARE SIMPLY SPIRITUALLY IMMATURE AND GROSSLY NAIVE ^] When you leave { i.e., DEATH ENERGY TRANSFORMATION } this dimension, then you MUST concentrate upon THE KNOWLEDGE THAT YOU HAVE GAINED WITHIN THIS LIFE EXPERIENCE. If you still do not REALIZE or UNDERSTAND that YOUR THOUGHTS, formed into SYSTEMS OF CORE BELIEFS and that these in SUM causes EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENS TO YOU and is the source of each and every perception and all of your experiences with your own personal reality, in other words YOU ALONE CREATE YOUR OWN PERSONAL REALITY, then you MUST return and again you learn to manipulate and again and again and again until you see and recognize the creative power of YOUR THOUGHTS. IN THE MOST SIMPLEST OF TERMS {*** THINKING IS DESTINY ***}. No human personality can think for any other nor can anyone MAKE ANOTHER DESIRE TO UNDERSTAND THE TRUE NATURE OF REALITY AN
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 16:52:18 +0000

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