Each of us has hopes and dreams for our lives. God actually - TopicsExpress


Each of us has hopes and dreams for our lives. God actually designed us to be goal- and vision-oriented. Proverbs 29:18 says that without a vision we actually perish. So its not a bad thing to have plans, goals and desires for our lives. But what happens when those plans are diverted? Proverbs 13:12 says that hope differed makes the heart sick. My heart had become sick with disappointments and I hadnt even realized it. Disappointment is a part of life that every person deals with. Our kids disappoint us; our spouse disappoints us; our friends disappoint us; we even disappoint ourselves. Left unchecked, these disappointments build up and begin to dam up the River of Life that God desires to flow through us. We must regularly ask the Holy Spirit to shine the light of Truth into our hearts and dislodge the hurts, disappointments, and offenses that threaten to cut off the fruit of Gods Spirit in our lives. THANK YOU PASTOR RICH OLIVER! This is a WOW kind of posting sheilasheart/category/sheilas-heart/
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 23:00:27 +0000

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