Economic News Andrew Mokhnik met with representatives of the - TopicsExpress


Economic News Andrew Mokhnik met with representatives of the environmental community Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine A.Mohnyk met with representatives of non-governmental environmental organizations . The event was attended by over 40 representatives from various organizations about environmental issues . In his opening remarks A.Mohnyk briefly outlined the main priorities in the ministry , especially stressing the need to break the cycle of corruption in the environmental field. The necessary conditions to achieve this goal , the minister said , there is the political will of the leadership and establishing close interaction with the broader environmental community. Now we have a chance to start anew our activities. How to build it now - and get a result . We propose a mechanism to communicate with environmentalists , particularly those working in enterprises that are subjected to harassment by corrupt structures. This will enable participants to identify the many corruption schemes , - said A.Mohnyk . The Minister also stressed the urgent need for radical lustration in the Ministry of Environment , which has put a barrier to officials who try to hold onto positions and free up space for young , skilled , ambitious, and above all - honest and patriotic professionals. He said: With regard to corruption and lustration : these are two completely different processes. For corruption must attract criminal charges and put in jail , as provided for by the legislation of Ukraine and lustration involves removal from office, because those who are subject to lustration to guide the policy of the former criminal regime . Representatives of the environmental community have proposed the new head of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of its vision and the development of the environmental industry in Ukraine . Everyone had an opportunity to express their views on future cooperation with the Ministry of Environment and suggest priority areas of the Ministry. The European Commission is ready to promote the conclusion of the agreement on the reverse gas from Slovakia to Ukraine RBC- Ukraine : the European Commission is ready to assist in the contract of reverse gas from Slovakia to Ukraine and the creation of new channels of reverse supply chain. This statement by the European Commission dedicated allocation Ukraine aid package in total 11 billion euros. EU plans to cooperate with the government of Ukraine to ensure the diversification of gas supplies. In the short term, the European Commission is ready to assist Ukraine in the diversification of gas supplies to the country , including through the provision of reverse supply from European countries, including Slovakia ( in addition to the reverse current from Poland and Hungary ), - the report says. In the EC reminded that a memorandum of understanding between operators GTS Slovakia, and Ukraine has not yet been signed, and noted that the Commission is ready to promote his signature, if necessary . The Commission stands ready to continue to work with countries - EU members to contribute to the creation of additional channels of reverse gas to Ukraine through Bulgaria , Romania, Croatia and Hungary, said in a statement . In the U.S. figured out how to reduce Ukraines dependence on Russian and European gas Fox News: High level representatives of the U.S. Republican Party called on President B.Obamu to eliminate bureaucratic delays that impede U.S. exports of liquefied natural gas a key U.S. partners . According to Republicans, the removal of restrictions to help reduce dependence on Ukraine and Europe on Russian gas and, consequently , reduce the degree of influence in Europe. This measure we need now more than ever strong - said the chief representative of the Republican Party in the U.S. Senate Committee on Armed Services Jim Ynhouf . Supports this position and the speaker of the U.S. House Leader John Boehner. He said that the U.S. should not force its allies in Europe to keep the dependence on Russian gas . Deregulation , which is a de facto ban on the export of gas , and the first exports could be a step that clearly demonstrates that the U.S. is helping its allies , as well as create jobs in the country , - said Beyner . Senator John Barasso Vaymoynha believes that Ukraine and European dependence on Russian gas exports allows Russia to manipulate the region , using the gas prices. If President Obama really wants to help Ukraine and its people, it will approve the accelerated gas exports to the country. This will help Ukraine overcome the dependence on Russian energy and political manipulation of Vladimir Putin , - he said. Hungary is ready to disruptions in gas supply from Ukraine MIT : When you stop gas supplies from Ukraine , Hungary is ready to take any necessary action. This is stated in the statement of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Hungary Ya.Martoni . This issue concerns the entire region, and not only the problem of Hungary - Ya.Martoni said at a meeting with his Austrian counterpart in Budapest. According to the minister , a unified system of gas pipelines between countries in the region are again relevant. This system will be activated if the gas supply in the event of termination of one country need help - said Martonyi. He added that the Hungarian government has decided to fill the need of the Hungarian gas storage . Hungary has adequate reserves of gas , - said the politician. Bulgaria has not yet fear the termination of gas supplies through Ukraine UKRINFORM : At this stage there are no serious grounds for predictions about the cessation of gas supplies to Bulgaria. This was announced in Parliament , Prime Minister of Bulgaria Plamen Oresharski , answering questions MPs that the government was going to do if the gas supply will stop. Ceryoznyh concerns the termination of gas supplies through Ukraine to Bulgaria, no. We closely monitor the deliveries of Russian gas through Ukraine to Europe and Bulgaria , - said the Prime Minister of Bulgaria. According to him , today Ukrainian debts ( for Russian gas ) are not comparable with debt in 2009, which caused the gas crisis then . The international community is ready to help Ukraine will pay with Gazprom so similar to the 2009th , the debate has come , - said Oresharski . He added that despite this, the last week in Bulgaria started to pump gas storage Chyren additional volumes of gas, which, in the event of termination of supply should last for one and a half month. Ukraine paid four batch of nuclear fuel RIA Novosti : OJSC fuel elements of Ukraine has already received advance payments for four batch of nuclear fuel to be supplied to Ukrainian nuclear power plants in the spring of 2014, said an informed source. Fuel elements at one time received advances of 4 Party of nuclear fuel for Ukrainian nuclear power plants that need to be delivered in spring 2014. If at the beginning of the supply , and thats the end of March - beginning of April, the State Committee of Ukraine ban on the movement of trains with the production of nuclear fuel cycle in Ukraine, introduced on January 28, will be removed , it will supply for the nominal circuit source said. Ukrainian Exchange closed UX index rising by 0.74 % RBC- Ukraine , Ukrainian Exchange closed growth index UX - by 0.74 % to 1090.16 points. Turnover amounted to 27.848 million. , Including the stock market - 24.951 million. Trading on the market to Russo shares completed neznachytelnыm Fall RBC : Trading on the market to Russo shares completed neznachytelnыm Fall of major yndeksov . MICEX Index snyzylsya by 0.4 % - to 1351.11 points otmetky . RTS Index snyzylsya by the end of the session merchant by 0.18 % - to 1182.05 points. Volume of a trademark on the outcome of the day amounted to 478.7 billion rubles. Leaders of growth in the number of shares Aэroflota ( +2.6 %), LUKOIL ( +1.1 %), CMI ( +1.6 %), Severstal ( +1.1 %). Prodolzhayut deshevet of paper VTB (-3 %), Gazprom (-3 %), Rostelecom ( -1.9 %). In Europe, stock trading ended multidirectional movement leading index RBC- Ukraine : Stock trading in Europe resulted in a decrease in the leading index. Investors remain concerned tense political situation in the Crimea and in Ukraine in general. Following the auction the British FTSE 100 index fell by 49.35 points ( 0.71% ) - to the level of 6,775.42 points, the German DAX index fell by 47.13 points ( 0.49 %) - to 9542.02 points, French CAC 40 sank 4.65 points ( -0.11 %) - to 4391.25 points. Swiss SMI rose by 14.39 points ( 0.17 %) - to 8459.61 points, the Dutch AEX rose by 1.48 points ( 0.11% ) - up to 398.28 points. -European index of blue chips FTSEurofirst 300 fell on the session by 0.06 % and reached 1343.99 points. Index DJIA ponyzylsya by 0.22 % and Nasdaq povыsylsya post index by 0.14 % RBC : For Outcome Mall post index DJIA ponyzylsya to 35.70 points ( -0.22 %) and amounted to 16,360.18 points and the outcome Mall Nasdaq povыsylsya post index to 6.00 points ( +0.14 %) and amounted to 4357.97 points. WTI price of oil in New York for $ 1.88 ponyzylas - up to $ 101.45 per barrel RBC : Official price of oil WTI (Light Sweet) on urgent Commodity exchanges New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) in New York on the outcome Mall ponyzylas at $ 1.88 and amounted to $ 101.45 per barrel . Price of oil in Brent London ponyzylas at $ 1.54 - up to $ 107.76 per barrel RBC : Official price of oil in Brent эlektronnoy Commodity exchanges InterContinental Exchange Futures Europe ( ICE Futures Europe) on the outcome Mall ponyzylas at $ 1.54 and amounted to $ 107.76 per barrel .
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 06:28:57 +0000

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