Ecuador Is The Place To Be. 6/23/14 Family and - TopicsExpress


Ecuador Is The Place To Be. 6/23/14 Family and Friendlies! How is everyone doing today?! I hope great because it´s one more day of life and that is something that we all should be grateful for! Let me just start by saying that I felt like an idiot last week because I didn´t explain the random title of my email... We have an investigator named Polo.... So me and my comp always say MARRRCOOO! POOOLLLLOOOO! Yeah, we´ve been having fun with it haha. Anywhos, I dind´t even mention anything last week about it being World Cup time! As you all can imagine, it is crazy here of course. These Ecuatorianos love their futbol, seriously. It´s been loco! Also, it was straight up rough trying to find people to teach the other day when Ecuador played. We kept on going though and didn´t let it get us down! Also, not going to lie... The songs for the World Cup this year are JAMS! Yes, I am am a missionary right now but I´m also still Madison Mosley. Sometimes it´s a little hard for me to not just bust out in dance in the middle of the street... Probs going to be a problem all of my mission because the music here is GREAT. However, the hymns are wonderful too and they bring the Spirit, something we all need!! :) Just a little bit of what happened this week... Had intercambios with one of my friends here in the mish and that was a blast as usual, learned why Columbians got upset with Shakira for a long time, had cambios with my same comp only to another house and the other zone here in Loja, I´m now living with my mom in the mish Hermana Catmull (she´s still here and didn´t die from all of her sicknesses that she had when we were comps, yayayayay), and we now have a washing machine in our house. OH HAPPY DAY! Seriously people, I never thought I´d be so grateful for a washing machine in my life. Also, one more interesting thing... Me and my comp were crossing the street last night, well more like running and this car did an incorrect turn and was all up in my bizz and the driver told me to move. How did Hermana Mosley respond you ask?! Well I said, I´m chubby I can´t. Of course it was all in Spanish and it was much more entertaining... But yeah that happened. Onto my spiritual bit for the week. I found mention of dragons in the scriptures today. Umm what?! Yeah that happened and I couldn´t have been happier. Seriously people, the scriptures are like the greatest thing ever. No lie. I learned a lot this week about the type of missionary I want to be as I continue on with the work and how I can better fulfill my purpose here in Ecuador. It basically comes down to the fact that we as missionaries and all people actually, need to gain a better understanding our Savior Jesus Christ and the Atonement in our lives. As missoinaries, we need to help our investigators learn that they can take anything and everything they have, to the Lord. With that, I´d like to end with Alma 42:31 in Spanish. ´´Y ahora bien, hijo mio, eres llamado por Dios para predicar la palabra a este pueblo. Ve, hijo mio, declara la palabra con verdad y con circunspecciòn, para que leeves almas al arrepentimiento, a fin de que el gran plan de misercordia pueda reclamarlas. Y Dios le conceda segùn mis palabras. Amèn. LOVE YOU ALL!!! -Hermana Mosley
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 08:05:08 +0000

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