Ed Miliband has had a rough couple of weeks and its fair to say - TopicsExpress


Ed Miliband has had a rough couple of weeks and its fair to say that I meet people on the doorstep who arent sure about him and ask what sort of Prime Minister he would be. Take a look at this short film from the speech he gave today. It captures nicely what he stands for, but most importantly: who he stands for. I know from conversations Ive been having with people week in, week out, for the past year that many families arent feeling the benefits of the economic recovery, that parents are worried about school places, university fees and job prospects for their children, that people my age and younger wonder if well ever get on the housing ladder. Labours got the message and has a plan to meet the hopes and ambitions of people living in Redbridge. Our job in the next six months is to get the message out, to keep on listening and responding to peoples concerns, and to convince our friends and neighbours to place their trust in us.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 19:58:07 +0000

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