Edgar Cayce predicted what I have learned about my Nephilim Mound - TopicsExpress


Edgar Cayce predicted what I have learned about my Nephilim Mound Builder Indian heritage from the Anunnaki Themselves and todays top medical science. I recently found out I have Native American Indian Heritage DNA Haplogroup X in late 2008, I found out when I met my Biological Mother for the first time in my life that I am of Iroquois (Seneca) on my mothers side, and Erie Montaukett or Montauk Indian on my Fathers side! Many of you know why this information is so important to me. The history channel revealed on the show UFO Hunters TV show that I do not have normal human blood by a Harvard Professor names David Systrom, That episode (Alien Contact) first aired early 2008, I was soon met by the Anunnaki face to face in the summer of 2008 and they told me that they wanted to clear up what the History Channel had revealed for me and my blood anomaly, That I was of the Nephilim Bloodline (Anunnaki/Elohim/Human Hybrid) and I would know what this all meant in the not so distance future. Well all the pieces are coming together it now seems. At this time in my life I had NOT yet met my Biological Mother and had no clue of my Native American Indian heritage or what an Anunnaki even was. What has recently blown my mind is that Edgar Cayce predicted exactly this! That Iroquois Indians are the remnants of the Mound Buiilders of Ancient American history , which Cayce reveals were the remnants of the Atlantians or Poseidons as Edgar Cayce called them. (Enki-ites) Not to be blunt, but this is the revealing of the Nephilim Bloodline through the North America Native Indians with DNA evidence in the form of Haplogroup X which is a recently disovered (1997) Human DNA group which is mainly only found in the sometimes giant skeletal remains removed from Ancient American Earth Mounds, Ancient Egypt and still today in the Iroquois tribe of Indians. What surprised me is the recent knowledge that Edgar Cayce predicted all of this in his reading on exactly who the Mound Builders were!!!! Anthropologists once believed North and South America had initially been populated by Asians crossing a land bridge connecting Asia and Alaska during the last Ice Age, some 20,000 years ago. However, recent genetic DNA analysis of Native Americans now places the initial wave of migration between 38,000 to 50,000 years ago. Genetic DNA analysis can trace the ethnic tribal lineage, and thereby land of the origin, of a human being. Native American tribes contain four distinct DNA groupings, designated A, B, C and D. These groupings are found in Asia but not in Europe or Africa. While 96 percent of all indigenous natives in North and South America fall within A, B, C and D, there was a mysterious four percent, dubbed Group X, which could not be explained. Type X subjects were not found in the vast majority of tribes, including none in South America. It was also determined Type X subjects arrived in North America 10,000 to 38,000 years ago, later than the other groups. By far, the highest concentration of Type X in Europe was found in the Basques, a race of Caucasians who live in the Pyrenees Mountains between Spain and France. And the highest frequency of Type X in the entire world was found in the Berbers, a race of Caucasians who live in the Atlas Mountains of Morocco in North Africa. The Basques and Berbers have long puzzled anthropologists, linguists and historians because they dont seem to fit into their continental surroundings. However, independent researchers of the Association of Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.), followers of Edgar Cayce, have come forward and made a few observations of their own. Known as the Sleeping Prophet, Edgar Cayce (1877-1945) is considered by many to have been Americas foremost psychic. Throughout his lifetime he performed over 14,000 readings while in a self-induced trance. Although delving into many subjects, 8,976 of his readings, transcribed onto 900,000 pages of notes, were devoted to medical problems, a majority of which were resolved, often advancing current medical technology. Cayces readings were always recorded by a stenographer. To do a medical reading on a subject, all he needed was the subjects pre-arranged location at the time of the reading. On one occasion, Cayce went into a trance and declared that the subject was not at the location where he was supposed to be at the time. It was later determined that the subject had forgotten about the meeting and was indeed not at the pre-arranged location at the prescribed time. On another occasion, Cayce was to do a reading for a ships captain who was at sea. When Cayce went into his trance, he realized the fellow could not speak English, so he did the entire reading in fluent German, a language he had no knowledge of when awake. Clearly, Edgar Cayce had a unique talent, although he claimed that everyone had the capability to do the same. In addition to medical inquiries, people would often slip in questions about the past or the future. An extremely high percentage of Cayces predictions of the future have come true. And now the genetic DNA analysis findings of Type X may actually lend additional credence to his psychic readings as well. Many of Edgar Cayces readings concerned the island continent of Atlantis, the fabled empire located beyond the Pillars of Hercules (presumably the Rocks of Gibraltar in the western Mediterranean), as thoroughly detailed in Platos TIMAEUS, that fell into the sea. Cayces readings described three separate disasters that befell Atlantis. The first catastrophe happened in 50,700 BC, caused by an explosion of gas pockets within the earth that triggered volcanoes and earthquakes, generated a magnet pole shift on the planet and produced a great Ice Age. The second catastrophe occurred in 28.000 BC, coinciding with the Biblical account of Noah and the Great Flood. After the deluge, the continent had been broken into three main islands: Aryaz in the east (present day Azores Island group), Poseidia in the north (West Indies area), and Og in the south (near South America). The final catastrophe took place in 10,600 BC. There were gigantic land upheavals upon the earth and the remaining land mass of Posedia and Aryaz (except for the mountain peaks) disappeared into the seas. The Cayce readings indicated the Atlanteans had been forced to relocate to various distant lands during the catastrophes, specifically to the Pyrenees Mountains (between Spain and France), Morocco (Atlas Mountains), Egypt (where they built the pyramids) and North America (where they formed the Iroquois nation). All Type X locations. In North America, the highest concentration of Type X lineage was found within the Iroquois nation (Ojibway, Oneota and Nuu-Chah-Nulth tribes). Cayce also reported some Atlanteans went on to the American Southwest and Midwest. The Navajo (Southwest) and mound builder region (Midwest) also contain some Type X subjects. The bottom line -- everywhere Edgar Cayce (psychic readings) claimed the Atlanteans settled after their land disappeared has a high unaccountable occurrence of a specific DNA type (type X) found nowhere else on this planet. This isnt exactly scientific proof of the prior existence of Atlantis, but we live in a very strange universe where everything is a sign that holds a mystery. Edgar Cayce had the ability to link to the Universal Consciousness, also called the Akashic Records. His readings are mysteries to be unraveled. Why is Ohio the place with the most frequent UFO sightings in America? I think when in the near future when it is revealed that Northern Ohio was/is the home of one of the lost tribes of Israel, That the ones who were known in the past as the Nephilim - Amorites became known as the Mound Builders who created the Serpent Mound and the Newark Earthworks as well as thousands of other mounds here in Ohio, NY, and PA intermingled into the North American Iroquois Indian Tribe, the fact of what I just revealed was proven in the late 1990s!, well that should bring A LOT of tourist attention to this area! Only those who have learned to live on the land where the waters run pure... will find sanctuary. Go to where the eagles fly, to where the wolf roams, to where the bear lives. Here you will find life because they will always go to where the water is pure and the air can be breathed. Live where the trees, the lungs of this earth, purify the air. Go to where the trees give, from their breath to you, the cleansing and the purity, to where they protect you from the plagues... Snow is the great purifier. Go to where the blanket of snow heals. Learn to live in these places. You will live through the changes...There is a time coming, beyond the weather. The veil between the physical and the spiritual world is thinning; it is coming back to life... - Iroquois Confederacy Why is Ohio the place with the most frequent UFO sightings in America? Is there anything special with that area making it such a large center for the incoming Anunnaki/Sirians? Why not some sparsely populated mountain ridge somewhere in a very remote area? Well, there is actually a good reason why the incoming chose Ohio, and we are going to go into that now. They Were Beings of Huge Stature We know from the Bible; we know from Sitichins work, and we know from my own papers, that a lot of genetic experimentation and manipulation was taking place here on Earth. Around 500,000 years ago, this planet was taken over by Sirian forces, who later on replaced the slave workers of their own kind with a new species that they created in laboratories by mixing their own DNA with existing species already living here on Earth. That eventually turned into Homo sapiens, or Homo sapiens sapiens, which is us. But there was another genetic line that was created here as well, which resulted in beings who, according to Lord ENLIL, contaminated the whole Experiment. At one time, Pleiadian Giants, so-called Fallen Angels, descended to Earth and mated with human females, whom they considered irresistible. So, in laboratories they mixed their own Giant genes with that of humans, Sirians, and even Aryans (from Orion), and the offspring became Giants, the infamous Nephilim. They could reach from 6.5 ft to nearly 15 ft in height, and were the ones who built many of the incredible stone formations all over the world; including some of the pyramids. According to the Bible, they all drowned in the Flood, but my own research is showing that some of these Giants survived the Deluge and continued to spread over the world, and once again became Men of Renown. We also know that Lord ENLIL was furious when he found out that species whom he thought were extinct due to the Flood had been saved by his stepbrother, ENKI. One of these species was the Pleiadian Experiment, the Nephilim! However, there was allegedly a compromise made -- perhaps we could call it a treaty -- where it was decided that if the Nephilim should be allowed to survive, their DNA needed to be altered to lower their stature. So, in that sense, over generations most of the Giants actually became extinct, as these beings now had more human-like offspring. Indeed, with time, it became nearly impossible to tell who was of the Nephilim and who was a normal Homo sapiens. Although, I should add, there are still a few Giants alive on this planet, but they are currently residing underground. The Nephilim I am talking about are walking around among us, and no one can tell by just looking at them. Interestingly enough, the spokesman for the secret society, The Priory of Sion, Nicolas Haywood, has started to come out in public, revealing some of their inner secrets. The Priory of Sion was mentioned in the book, Holy Blood, Holy Grail in relation to the Jesus and Mary Magdalene bloodline. Michael Lee Hill has had the opportunity to talk to him as well, and Haywood indeed confirmed to Michael that the Jesus and Mary Magdalene bloodline is the Nephilim hybrid bloodline, that goes all the way back to the Anunnaki, as he put it. Michael found it interesting that Haywood mentioned the Anunnaki in this regard. In relation to my own research, I can both confirm and dismiss this, depending on what we mean by the Anunnaki. Most people who use this term for the ancient visitors are taking it from Sitchins work. Sitchin says that it means those whom to Earth from Heaven came, and that includes more than one species. Now, there is supposedly one way to tell whether a person is of the Nephilim hybrid bloodline or not, and that is to draw their blood and check the CK level. The Nephilim have a sky high level of Creatine Kenase in their blood! Sound familiar? In these papers, we are thus far aware of two people with a sky high amount of CK; Terrell Copeland and Michael Lee Hill! Michael has had it verified by a number of people in the know that he indeed is of the Nephilim bloodline, and he is quite sure himself that this is the case, because it seems to explain a lot of things for him. In other words, what Zimmerman exposes in his book and talks about in his lectures, built on his own vast and assuring research on the Nephilim subject, is that they migrated to America and to the Ohio Valley area from all parts of the world, and settled down there. Due to this migration, we can assume that there are a lot of Nephilim hybrids in the Ohio Valley area. Probably, the main reason why the Sirians have the perhaps largest underground base in Ohio is because the Nephilim bloodline moved there. Since the Giants of old are being in liaison with the Ša.AM.i, this could explain why the incoming Sirians have chosen the Lake Erie area as their largest underground base. The Nephilim bloodline is important to the Sirians, even if it wasnt always that way, and this must also be the reason why Michael was born a Nephilim hybrid. For some reason, Michael needs to be of the Nephilim bloodline in order to perform his task. - Wes Penre The Nephilim In The Ohio Valley! - Anunnaki/Human Hybrids in Ancient North American Indian Tribes! youtube/watch?v=UPX6qg4zZRI The Iroquois people have inhabited the areas of Ontario and upstate New York for well over 4,000 years. Technically speaking, Iroquois refers to a language rather than a particular tribe. In fact, the IROQUOIS consisted of five tribes prior to European colonization. Their society serves as an outstanding example of political and military organization, complex lifestyle, and an elevated role of women. Until the 1500s, the five tribes of the Iroquois devoted much energy toward fighting and killing each other. According to ORAL TRADITION, it was about this time that they came to their senses and united into a powerful confederation. The five tribes designed quite an elaborate political system. This included a bicameral (two-house) legislature, much like the British Parliament and modern U.S. Congress. The representatives, or SACHEMS, from the SENECA and MOHAWK tribes met in one house and those of the ONEIDA and CAYUGA met in the other. The ONONDAGA sachems broke ties and had the power to veto decisions made by the others. There was an unwritten constitution that described these proceedings at least as early as 1590. Such a complex political arrangement was unknown in Europe at that time. Iroquois Indian are the remnants of the mound Builders who are the Remnants of the Lost Tribes of Israel.... The Nephilim! The Reality of a new unknown human DNA tracing back Ancient Times can no longer be questioned, it is real folks! Link To Recent Northern Ohio Lake Erie Anunnaki/Nephilim UFO Activity! https://youtube/watch?v=w5eGBXeb2y8
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 05:57:55 +0000

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