#EducateYourselves It has been years since I last checked up on - TopicsExpress


#EducateYourselves It has been years since I last checked up on my alma mater. But now, how it saddens, angers, and scares me that there are students in UP (Cebu) who idolize Marcos. You are so easily won over by propaganda, so unaware of the Universitys role during the Martial Law years and beyond. That while the Dictatorship strove its best to extinguish the fires of freedom, UP students and professors fought tooth and nail to keep the embers alive. That many others from the same University as you, the only University to be named after the country, gave their freedom, and even their lives, so YOU can live in a society not bound by a corrupt, totalitarian dictatorship. We are all entitled to different opinions, yes. But while opinion is subjective, objective facts also exist. The same facts that will tell you that Marcos and his family not only have the blood of the Filipinos on their hands, but that they also plundered this nation through their corruption. It strains reason to believe that any intellectual Iskolar ng Bayan can glorify such atrocities. Enjoying your rant on social media against slow, inefficient government service? Complaining against corrupt politicians? Try that during the Marcos years, and you can expect your corpse to be found shortly on the street or in the gutter. The sacrifice of so many is why you enjoy these freedoms today. In the words of my fellow alumna Atty. Cathy del Rosario, Marcos loyalists are f*cking idiots who do not deserve to be subsidized by the peoples taxes. You are a danger to this society, by virtue of the intellect you possess being used to glorify human rights abuses and corruption. That while the average unaware citizen remains satiated on mundane things like Kris Aquinos bullshit, you who actually possess awareness use it to support atrocities that go against everything our University stands for. If you are worth the title of Iskolar ng Bayan that you so proudly boast of, educate yourselves. But if you are incapable of doing so, then have the courtesy to remain silent rather than carrying the banner of pro-Marcos bullshit. Stop feeding on propaganda and learn the facts. No to historical revisionism. #NeverAgain -Almunus
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 11:48:24 +0000

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