Education is an enemy to the GOP and so is in danger. Let me - TopicsExpress


Education is an enemy to the GOP and so is in danger. Let me share a fact for you to look up. When the Scopes trial was lost to the Christian right the country turned against education and refused to teach REAL science in our schools. That is until Russia beat us in the space race by putting Sputnik into orbit. Then America woke up and said wait because of the bible thumpers and hatred of science and education we are stupid. They once again taught science and turned away from Christian fantasies. Those who do not KNOW history are doomed to repeat it. In our country today those same bible thumpers are once again on a war against education and REAL science. This will cause our country to fall further behind the rest of the world then it already is. Remember when America used to be high in the list of education. Thank you Christian right, the GOP, and the American Taliban for creating a country of idiots.
Posted on: Wed, 18 Sep 2013 20:55:47 +0000

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