Effigies of Dhavalikar, Muthalik burnt in - TopicsExpress


Effigies of Dhavalikar, Muthalik burnt in Navelim navhindtimes.in/?p=56985NAVELIM: The villagers of Navelim, on Thursday, burnt effigies of PWD Minister Ramkrishna Dhavalikar and chief of Sri Ram Sene (SRS) Pramod Muthalik, and threatened to boycott the PWD Minister if he doesn’t apologise for hurting the sentiments of Goans. The villagers, supported by the Benaulim MLA Caetano Silva held a demonstration demanding a ban on the controversial SRS and sent a strong message that the people from Salcete will not tolerate anybody dictating terms to Goa and Goan on culture and religious issues. Later speaking to reporters Benaulim MLA said that “we do not need anybody to tell what we should wear, or where we should go. If anybody has any problem with the lifestyle of Goans they are free to leave the state. Nobody should tell us that we have to change our culture or our lifestyle.” He said that nobody should mix up with the Goan culture and religions and we Goans can also respond in the manner ‘they’ understand and people from Salcete have done it in the past and if needed will go to any extent. Reacting to the recent statements by the PWD Minister, he said this is getting too much and Sudin being in the government should not be making such comments. He said that “the MGP as a party was never in favour of Goa and Goans, and always wanted to make Goa a part of Maharashtra, and now Dhavalikar speaking against Goans about what women in Goa should wear and do is not acceptable.” Speaking after the protests, activist George Barretto called upon Goans “to wake up and come forward to save Goa from the evils like Muthalik.” Taking a dig at the PWD Minister, he dared Dhavalikar to propagate his moral policing on culture in Salcete and we will show him who we are. This is the second incident wherein the PWD minister has played with the feelings of the people from Salcete, he added while referring to the Margao bomb blast case. He has to apologies to the people of Goa or else we will not allow him in Salcete, he added further.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 20:43:24 +0000

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