Eight Cuisine International Buffet 1154 Hamilton Road What is - TopicsExpress


Eight Cuisine International Buffet 1154 Hamilton Road What is Eight Cuisine International Buffet ? Eight Cuisine International Buffet is a fusion of eight different cuisine types. while mainly Canadian, will include :Italian, East Indian, Middle Eastern, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Tai, and Caribbean. What dose Eight Cuisine International Buffet Offer? We will have six soups available at all times, four Canadian and two Oriental. A huge salad bar which will feature over 80 items, A dessert bar with 60 items- including 10 hard ice cream flavours and 2 soft serve ice cream flavours. An entire Buffet table for vegetarian diners that will include over 40 different items. Weekend items include lamb kebabs and roast lamb. Lunch and dinner menus each will offer 250 separate items. All Day Menu Items
Posted on: Tue, 02 Jul 2013 05:14:23 +0000

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