Elder Braden Bybee Letter ❤️ Hey Mom, I enjoyed this last - TopicsExpress


Elder Braden Bybee Letter ❤️ Hey Mom, I enjoyed this last week. It was really tough at times because I was feeling burnt out, but we received a lot of revelation yesterday on how to help our investigators and the branch. The branch mission plan is Pray. Not prayer, but pray. We been finding that miracles happen when we ourselves and the people we teach actually receive revelation through prayer. I think I have overlooked the power of prayer for a lot of my mission. We had a powerful lesson with some of our investigators yesterday. President White came along too. We just did our best to love them into the gospel. We invited the Sister to pray about August 16th to be baptized and with the Brother for August 2nd to live the Word of Wisdom. She said the closing prayer, and I could really tell that she knows how to talk to Heavenly Father. We all paused after the prayer, and she had a strong confirmation from the Spirit about the dates that she prayed about. She said Whoah! Heavenly Father has been blessing us with miracles. Joseph Smith emphasized baptism unto a remission of sins (article of faith 4). This must be preceded with faith in Jesus Christ and repentance for the blessings of baptism to enter into our lives. Ive been learning a lot about the Atonement lately. I went on exchanges with Elder Cleverly this week. I think you are planning on seeing his mom at the missionary mom thing. Hes a great elder, and hes super talented. We had some good laughs :) We taught this guy that is super happy-go-lucky. We gave him the baptism invite and he said Well yeah! Then we said we would love for him to come to church with us. He said Really?! You mean it? Haha it was great. He has short term memory loss, so hopefully we can keep things building with him. But yeah, were excited for him. Then Elder Cleverly and I were talking to a less active lady at the door. All of the sudden she said I feel sick and she turned around and threw up two or three times. We tried to make sure she was okay. She cleaned it up and then she actually talked to us for another 15 minutes. Haha, it was an eventful exchange. Im glad to hear about Brycen going through the temple! I love the temple :) Especially the Nauvoo temple. It was nice to go so much back in Fort Madison. Speaking of Fort Madison, have you talked to Cheryl Connors lately? I sent her a letter in the mail that has to be reviewed by the mission president before it gets to her (cant communicate with sisters outside of our area without President reading the letter). Shes awesome! She said she is looking forward to going to the temple to be endowed in March. Im so excited for her!! :) I liked that scripture you shared from Chad Hunter D&C 122: 5-9 Hes an awesome person. There is definitely a difference between letter of the law and spirit of the law. Nephi is the perfect example of spirit of the law. He was commanded by God to slay Laban. He didnt want to and worried about the commandment Thou shalt not kill. But, as the scripture explains Behold the Lord slayeth the wicked to bring forth his righteous purposes. It is better that one man should perish than that a nation should dwindle and perish in unbelief. (1 Nephi 4:13). Laban had been causing many of Heavenly Fathers children to sin. So, Im sure the Lord gave Laban every chance he could to repent until the Lord finally gave the commandment for Laban to be slayed so that Nephi and his family could have the brass plates. This goes along with Galations 5:23 where it says that against the Spirit there is no law. The Spirit always comes first. Exact obedience to the Spirit brings miracles. Thanks for putting our investigators in the temple prayer roll. That helps a ton. Love you Mom, have a great week! Elder Bybee
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 17:01:00 +0000

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