Elder Braden Bybee Letter ❤️ Hey Mom :) I really enjoyed - TopicsExpress


Elder Braden Bybee Letter ❤️ Hey Mom :) I really enjoyed this last week! It was absolutely crazy. We tracted into a friend of Garret Whites a couple of weeks ago and brought Garret along for a lesson. Its amazing how much of a difference it makes to have members present for lessons. His friend seems excited to read and pray to find answers. Then we headed off to Fairfield that night so that Elder Younger could go to the departing temple trip in the morning. That was fun, and it rained really hard. The next day we drove to Mt Pleasant (a place that Ive worked in several times on exchanges!), and I got in a car headed all the way back to Ottumwa. We did some crazy work in Ottumwa haha. We ended up finding a family of 7 (5 were present) that accepted the baptismal invite. Then we reinvited a former investigator to baptism and he said yes. We also taught two less actives and took cigarettes away from one of them. It was awesome! :) I enjoyed working out there. Their zone was at 89 new investigators for the transfer and they were trying to get to 100. By 8:00 that night the zone was up to 98 new investigators, so me and the elder in Ottumwa took a 20 min dinner to get out and try to find two new investigators. Haha he was SO excited :) We tracted out a street and tried our best to find a family to teach. It was awesome to see him get fired up! Ottumwa is a pretty nice place, and I definitely want to go back there to go golfing. They have some super nice courses. The next day we taught 7 lessons out here in Centerville. We were super busy, and I love being busy. Throughout the week we taught one of our families with President and Sister White. This family is on day 2 of being smoke free. Definitely keep them in your prayers. I pray that they can be baptized on August 16th! Elder Younger and I showed the Restoration video to them one night. The Spirit was super strong. I am always reminded of the day I was endowed at the Las Vegas temple. I love that feeling of the Spirit. I also remember going to the temple with friends in St. George. There is no better feeling than the Spirit. We went on exchanges in Knoxville from Thursday to Friday afternoon. I went to a place called Pella, Iowa with Elders Broadbent and Allred (Elder Younger went with Elder Blackburn, their 3rd companion). That place is super well kept and probably rich. They have a mega church and they do not like our church out there... The mega church preaches against our church apparently. They have a Thursday night thing for the town at the square, so we went with a member that took us around. We OYMd around the square with Mormon.org cards. I ended up talking to the director of the event randomly, and she said she doesnt want us proselyting at that event. Funny thing about that town is first off they wont allow our church to put a building there. Second off, the sheriff of the town is a member of our church and there are about 9 other families there. I loved the dutch cultural roots there. It really was a beautiful place, but I felt as though many of the people were at a stand still in life because they didnt have the fulness of the gospel. They have parts of the truth. If they would actually read the Book of Mormon and ask God of its truthfulness, then they would see how clearly the Lord has restored His church back to this earth. Apparently 10 families have done that out there... The rest of the week was in Centerville contacting referrals and trying to get a hold of some of the investigators that we found through personal finding efforts. Many people werent home. But, Two of our investigators are doing pretty well, and I pray that they will be baptized soon. I just got my transfer doctrine a couple of hours ago. I will be training out here in Centerville. Im excited for this opportunity, and I hope to help my new companion come to love the work. Ill send you some pictures next week! :) Keep my investigators and my new companion in your prayers! I loved seeing all of the pictures you sent of the Wright reunion! Mitchell is huge now! Haha and does Uncle Brian have a beard? He looks younger. :) How long did Aunt Wendy stay? Tell her I said hi. Oh and tell Mr Jordan I wear the same shirt he was wearing in the picture you sent me (the CV Drumline shirt) out here. I get asked a lot of questions about it. Haha Utah looks greener! It has been the perfect weather out here. About 75! Thanks mom Love you, Elder Bybee
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 21:29:23 +0000

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