Elder Cole Alldredge - Monday, December 15, 2014 - Mexico City, - TopicsExpress


Elder Cole Alldredge - Monday, December 15, 2014 - Mexico City, Mexico Mission Juan Escutia Dear Family, Hey guys, now that Christmas is getting closer, I have a request for all those of you who plan on sending me christmas packages. Its a typical thing in Mexico for the people who sort the packages to sometimes open them up and steal things inside them. I dont know why or how it happens, but it happens a lot. I would like for all of you who plan to send me something to send in to Grandmas house, so it can wait for me there. I know that sounds stupid but I dont want you guys to take the chance on losing the effort you put into it. Anyway, this week was a lot slower than all the rest this year. Tuesday was the only day of the week that we got to work a whole 16 hours. Here goes the list. On Wednesday we had a mission christmas meeting hosted by President Stutznegger. He asked us as a zone (being the zone closest to the stake center) to come early and help set up for the activities. The first thing we did was singing christmas hymns as zones, which assigned missionaries giving short christmas messages in between. After that we had a talent show with a few skits, songs, stuff like that. Im guessing the missionaries favorite part was where President Stutznegger let us all as a mission watch a christmas movie. Sister Stutznegger had originally searched for Polar Express, but couldnt find it, so she bought Frozen. Man, that meeting lasted from 8:00 in the morning to about 6:00 in the afternoon. Thursday - There was a meeting for the trainers and trainees who were finishing their first transfer of training, or in this case, being trained. Part of the training was the trainees teaching the entire restoration...without a companion. Hmmm, that never happened to me when I was being trained. Not only that, but at about 6:30PM the missionaries had to be inside their homes for safety reasons. Sometimes the local festival customs always have to do with the Catholics, and sometimes their are drunks in the street, and with an attitude to fight anyone that isnt catholic. Actually, thats exactly what leads into what happened on Friday Fraiday: What happened today? Absolutely nothing. This time instead of being restricted to our house for two hours, it was for the ENTIRE DAY. Nobody was allowed to leave their own areas. So I and my companion decided to wash clothes, clean the house, or read books. Really. Thats all that happened. Saturday: We had a nice ward christmas dinner like the ones we have back home. The bishop asked us the be a part of a small christmas program, and the primary children also pulled off a tiny nativity skit. It was very enjoyable and we even saw much more people show up than I expected. Thats it for this week. We still have a baptism waiting for next Sunday. Oh yeah, there are companionship changes tomorrow. Here is the a photo of my distirct, together for the last time. Elder Alldredge
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 06:45:57 +0000

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