Elections Conceal Tyranny Posted by Online Professor on June 29, - TopicsExpress


Elections Conceal Tyranny Posted by Online Professor on June 29, 2013 at 7:04am in Public CommentsSend Message View Discussions Johannes Wolfgang Goethe wisely observed that "No man is more hopelessly enslaved than the man that falsely believes that he is free". Today those controlling the government provide us elections every so often to gives us the illusion that we are free. In totalitarian states, the government controls the people, while in a Republic the people control the government. Dictators can not enslave a people without first deceiving them and then by gaining the consent of the people. They first instill fear in the hearts of the people and then they offer to protect them.They convince the people that if they will give up just a small portion of their liberty they will guarantee the safety and security of everyone. In a Republic the people are governed by laws and their rights are considered sacred. In the oligarchy that exists in America today, the government controls the people by making rules, regulations and ordinances. In a Republic, the people are free to do whatever they want as long as they do not violate the rights of others. In a totalitarian state the people must receive permission to exercise many of the rights that we take for granted. In a Republic a crime is committed when one party is injures another. In a totalitarian state a crime occurs whenever a person does something that is forbidden by the criminals that control the government. The Founding Fathers drafted the Constitution to prevent the government from abusing the God given rights of the people. When an elected official provides special benefits or privileges to one group of people at the expense of another, the elected official has violated his oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution. Even though his intentions may be honorable, an elected official does not have Constitutional authority to violate the rights of one group to of people in order to benefit another. Many politicians justify their unconstitutional actions under the pretense of taking care of their constituents. Officials that put the best interest of their community ahead of the rights of the individual plant the seeds of tyranny. A statesmen is a public servant that represents the people and uses the law to protect the rights of the people, while a politician uses the law to deprive people of their rights and to control their lives. Elections are merely the tool used by the financial elite to fool the people into thinking that they are free. By registering to vote, you trade in your unalienable rights for privileges granted to you by the state.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Jun 2013 23:25:12 +0000

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