Elijah Adams obit from 8 Sept 1932 in Mtn. Eagle was s/o Stephen - TopicsExpress


Elijah Adams obit from 8 Sept 1932 in Mtn. Eagle was s/o Stephen and Usley Ison Adams. Article mentions that Stephen was s/o Rockhouse Mose Adams but goes on to say Rockhouse Mose was the son of Elijah Adams and that Mose settled the farm of Old Mose Ison in about 1800 and that Stephen had married Usley Ison who was the only daughter of Gid and Rachel Stamper Ison. As far as I have ever been able to discern Rockhouse Mose Adams was the s/o of Rockhouse Steve Adams and since Rockhouse Mose was born about 1894 according to his obit in the Hazel Green Dispatch and another old paper, I dont see him taking up farming at the age of 6 in any manner above being a help to his father. Ironically the editor goes on to mention what a great job the writer has done about getting to the point. Id argue that the point is flawed. Anyone else have an opinion?
Posted on: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 06:24:12 +0000

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