Ellie Update #23: Well, a little late with the posting tonight as - TopicsExpress


Ellie Update #23: Well, a little late with the posting tonight as I just got some much needed sleep. Took Ellie to Med Vet late this morning and reported the diarrhea and how every other night, she seems to be very restless. Dr. OKine feels it is all medication related and that as soon as Ellie starts getting to a certain point where we can start weaning her off, this may resolve on its own. She liked that I was putting her on a bland diet of boiled rice and hamburger to help resolve the diarrhea and said (like many of you have suggested) that I add canned pumpkin, too. When asked, Dr. OKine said that Ellie could have picked up the staph infection anywhere, that she could have had a form of it on her own skin really even before the mass surgery and it just went into the wound. That it was not contagious as long as an open cut didnt come into contact with it. She told us to go eat or whatever and that we should come back at 3 PM and they would have Ellie and everything ready for us. Today they were taking blood to check her platelets and red blood cell count and wanted to get the results back before we took her home. So we had a bite to eat and a wander around Cabellas and Mennards to pass the time. During this time Dr. OKine called to say that the blood work had come back and that Ellies white platelet count is above the normal range (YAY) but she is slightly anemic and they would keep an eye on that. Dr. O Kine said she was taking her off the 2 antibiotics from last week and putting her on the aforementioned stronger one that is meant for treating the staph infection. All the other medication was staying the same. We will go back the same time, next Wednesday to have another round of blood work done. Dr. OKine also said that the dermatologist came by and looked at her feet and said that we will have to wait until after she is completely weaned off the steroids to see if the recurrent blisters come back for her to be able to do anything. But she remembered the feet from when Ellie first arrived to see them last week and said at the time, she felt they were allergy related. Whether due to environment or food, will have to be determined at a later date. When we picked Ellie up, she was panting and somewhat anxious and stressed out. Told Lee that it was past time for her lunch and her lunch meds and that she should settle down after that. We got home and I made her lunch and she ate it and drank a ton of water. BUT for the first time, she refused to take any of her pills (including the new antibiotic) in peanut butter or her dog food meatball!!! I got them down her but she was not happy with me at all. I felt bad but she has to take her medicine. Ellie and I felt asleep for about 4-1/2 hours (YAY for both of us!) and in a little bit, will be feeding her a late supper and hopefully, she will take her meds. I can tell Ellie is over being mad at me and is feeling better by the angle of her ears and the look in her eye and the wag of her tail. So that is the update for Wednesday. Hopefully we are on the last road to recovery and if there are more bumps in the road, well, so be it as long as we reach the end in good shape. Thanks to all once again for your support and kindness and well wishes and prayers. You guys are stars!
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 01:01:15 +0000

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