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+++ Encrypted Transmission +++ From: Unknown origin To: Broadcasting to all channels --- System Status: Agartha Systems Currently Offline --- --- Transfer Power: Current COM System to Agartha Systems --- --- Warning: Current COM System Power Low --- Uploading file… … 87% complete … … Upload completed Log: 2539-07-09-12:36:19 Staff Sergeant: Troy Dysseus Live Feed We watched the monitors as a small detachment of hover-bikes latched onto the top of the Ark near an emergency hatch. Each hover-bike manned two Tyr soldiers which quickly dismounted and moved towards their objective. Upon reaching the hatch they attached several devices they carried with them and in moments began to peel back the hatch as if it were made of no more than a thin metal sheet. To see their technology tearing a hole through two feet of metal, engineered to withstand the impact from small asteroids, extreme changes in pressure and temperature, and atmospheric entry and landfall, was disconcerting to say the least. Once the remains of the hatch were removed, the Tyr soldiers entered Concilium-Ark at a leisurely pace, unknowingly taunting the bodies that hid away floors beneath them. “We need a plan. Any updates on the Commander?” My tone was grim; Vulcan’s response as discouraging as the last. I bowed my head, closing my eyes, trying to muster an ounce of reprieve. “Based on the size of their force they are most likely here to disrupt our systems, destroy key targets and disrupt our tactics. Hermes, how long would it take them to gain access to the main command centre and access the systems?” “There will be soldiers of Concilium securing the area, and we have access to counteract any changes to the system; however, it is difficult to determine…” Hermes’ voice trailed off into his own uncertainty. I let out a slow breath before beginning. “Assume those soldiers were not there; assume that we did not have access to the system; assume that Tyr had nothing blocking their path.” It took Hermes a few seconds to collect himself, understanding why I’d speak in such a way. “Based on their distance from the Command Centre and the amount of time it takes to reset the system…roughly 24-48 hours. Maximum.” “Raidun, how many members of Concilium came with you?” “Roughly 500 soldiers of Concilium have joined us here and over 10, 000 civilians. They take up several lower levels of this portion of the Ark.” “What routes will allow us to evacuate the Ark with all those that we have with us?” “Sergeant, there are several gateways all over the ship.” Hermes Wor pulled up blueprints of Concilium-Ark’s layout on the large command display. He pointed to several main entranceways. “Unfortunately though, I do not see a guaranteed pathway that we can escape without their detection or that they won’t reach us before we make our retreat. Most of these routes offer complete exposure...” “It’s not good enough. What about tunnels or hidden passageways, secret sectors, anything? The design of the ship had to be taken with consideration for riots, invasion; disorder of some sort!” Hermes’ thoughts retreated to the image in front of him. Thoroughly he glanced over before tapping his finger against the screen. “Here, look here.” “What is it?” a maze of thin, dark lines weaved their way through different parts of the ship. “Back piping. Many of these run as sewer drains; but here,” he pointed to two parallel lines that sat behind the lab in which we inhabited in that moment, “tubes and vents that run along the sides of the engines as secondary means of eliminating overheating.” I looked at the blueprints of the Ark again, then back to Hermes. “Will we be able to get everyone out through this path undetected?” “It’s wide enough, Sergeant. I would assume, due to the size of the ship and its engines, we’re looking at fifty feet wide. This should allow us to get everyone out at a reasonable pace and it is discrete enough that Tyr should not notice this passage before we are long gone.” “What is our best access point?” “The flooring in select rooms of the lab is made of grates. If we remove the grates and travel under the floors—” “We could penetrate the southern wall without leaving a visible hole for enemy detection.” “Precisely, Sergeant.” It was the closest we had come to any sort of success in the last several hours. I regarded Vulcan, who had been standing close-by. “Yes, Sergeant?” I told him the plan, and asked him which room would assist well in our undertaking. “Test chambers. There are four of them.” We showed him the layout and where the pipes were situated. He placed us in the closest test chamber. “Once we penetrate this wall here, there will be a second obstruction about twelve feet in front, making up for the small room that is adjacent to the test chamber on this level. That is the closest we can get, without going directly through the adjacent room’s wall on this level.” “No. Through the floor is our safest route. Is the lab equipped for such deconstruction?” Vulcan grinned then, “Follow me, Sergeant.” End Log Be careful out there… +++End Transmission+++
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 14:54:50 +0000

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