Endorsements for the RNCs 11 Principles are pouring in!!!!!! Take - TopicsExpress


Endorsements for the RNCs 11 Principles are pouring in!!!!!! Take a look, with more press releases being issued tomorrow. USE THIS HASHTAG: #GOPPrinciples. Ki These principles are the pillars of the Republican Party and the roadmap to a stronger America. I commend Reince for his continued leadership on behalf of our party.” – US Senator John Thune, Chairman of the Senate Republican Conference The principles Chairman Priebus put forth in his address are a good summary of what Republicans are hearing from the American people. Theyre deeply concerned about the direction of our country, and they want action on positive reforms like the American Solutions that have been the focal point of our work in the House with a GOP majority. We need to reset our countrys economic foundation and secure our nations future, and Republicans have no shortage of ideas on how to do it. – Speaker of the US House of Representatives John Boehner “Whether you are a working mom struggling to make ends meet, a recent college graduate searching for your first job, or a senior worried about the next doctors visit, people in every corner of America want positive solutions that dream big for everyone and forget no one; and that’s just what Chairman Priebus has outlined in these core principles of the Republican Party. – US Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers, Chair of the House Republican Conference Chairman Priebuss Principles for American Renewal highlight the choice voters face this November: a Republican Party that prioritizes equal opportunity in education, economic growth, energy independence, and a strong American military or a Democrat Party that pushes for more federal government intrusion in education, burdensome regulations on energy production, and a weakening American presence on the world stage. We applaud his leadership in uniting Republicans around these values. – Governor Bobby Jindal “Chairman Priebus outline of 11 key principles for Americas future is an unprecedented, historic step toward a solution focused Republican Party,” – Newt Gingrich, Former Speaker of the US House of Representatives Through hundreds of pieces of passed legislation - and through the leadership of Chairman Priebus - the Republican Party is standing up for Americans who value the importance of family, life, and hard work. The hard-working taxpayers in southeast Louisiana are hungry for leadership and want the president to be focused on jobs, energy security, and an environment conducive to growing small businesses. While President Obama has failed to provided leadership on these critical issues, I am proud to say that the GOP is fighting for those values and priorities that are important to American families. – US House of Representatives Majority Whip Steve Scalise Reinces Principles for American Renewal capture the spirit of serious and fast reform, and a refusal to stand by for the last two years of Obamas epic fail bemoaning but not acting. The principles stress a commitment to deep reforms and an ongoing recognition that a free people are best left to decide for themselves how to use their time, their money and their land, educate their children, choose their health care, and worship their God as they see fit. – Hugh Hewitt, Nationally Syndicated Talk Radio Host and Author “Republican Party Chairman Reince Priebus makes a powerful case for the enduring principles and goals of the modern Republican party. And how they can heal and strengthen our great nation.” – Grover Norquist, President of Americans for Tax Reform Reince has laid out common sense principles that are good for the party and even greater for America. Now, we need to elect common sense candidates who will enact these principles! –Governor Scott Walker We must continue to create an environment here in our nation where businesses small and large can expand and create needed jobs for our hardworking citizens. We must also connect our top notch educational systems to commerce, breaking down silos between the two, which will help further prepare our leaders of tomorrow for jobs today.” – Governor Pat McCrory “These principles are more than an election promise; theyre a framework to get America back on track. Republicans have a plan to grow our economy, create jobs, and make America more secure, and its crucial that we work to elect Republicans so that we can enact this agenda. – US Senator Rob Portman Reince Priebus is right. The path were on isnt working, and Americans deserve a better economy, better healthcare system, better education, and policies that will lift those who are struggling into a lifetime of opportunity. President Obama and the Senate Democrats who follow in lockstep behind him are causing far too many Americans to lose hope in the American Dream. Together, with a Republican majority, we must work to instill confidence in America again by bringing back jobs and restoring Americas leadership role in the world. I particularly appreciate that Reince is highlighting my energy plan--the American Energy Renaissance Act--that will help the private sector create millions of high-paying jobs and, at the same time, make America less dependent on foreign oil. – US Senator Ted Cruz “Chairman Priebus clearly understands the values that are at the core of America’s exceptionalism: faith, family and freedom. President Obama and his Party have left America adrift and at risk in a fog of political correctness. Priebus is helping chart a course forward for both the GOP and the country that would lift that fog with the principles that made America great. – Tony Perkins, President of the Family Research Council “Chairman Priebus has laid out the case for how Republicans should succeed this fall. We have a broad agenda to address Americans’ economic and national security concerns, while the Democrats are forced to run on their failed record of Obamacare, unemployment, and debt. The choice couldn’t be more clear and it’s up to the American people to decide the course we take.” – US Senator Mike Lee “I took on the role of NRSC Chair because I believe that to change the direction of our country we need a change in Washington. Today I’m more convinced than ever that Republicans will win a Senate majority and use that responsibility to institute the change that people across the country know Washington needs. Our candidates will shake-up the Senate and can rally behind the key principles outlined by Chairman Priebus, who has been a great partner in our effort to earn the majority. Unlike the current Senate, ours will encourage debate rather than silence it and change the stale top-down way of governing that Americans are sick of. These principles offer a broad framework that not only unites our party, but a majority of Americans.” – US Senator and NRSC Chair Jerry Moran “Our party stands for the doctrine of peace through strength; the belief in strong families and strong communities; and the principles of capitalism – free men and free markets. These are not old-fashioned convictions. They are tried and true values. They are Republican values. They are American values – and they endure.” – US Senator Deb Fischer
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 02:51:17 +0000

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