English and Romanian - wikipedia - Caraiman Orthodox Monastery is - TopicsExpress


English and Romanian - wikipedia - Caraiman Orthodox Monastery is a monastery located in the area of logs at the foot of the massif Caraiman. Cross on Caraiman steps like guarding the path that leads pilgrims to the monastery. Caraiman Monastery is an Orthodox monastery located in the area of logs at the foot of the massif Caraiman. Cross on Caraiman steps like guarding the path that leads pilgrims to the monastery. Going to lift the logs, at a time, on the left, a sign and an icon shows the path, with slabs of stone in places, leading to the monastery. - The trail, like walking on hidden beneath the dark crowns of trees, reaching, eventually, into an oasis of light, massive Caraiman ivindu is in his splendor. In this clearing, Puiu Gerontius Father raised Gods mercy and with Virgin, a large monastery. Parents have had years to settle here, but not randomly, but with the guidance of the Holy Virgin, which was shown several times in dreams, giving him almost all heavy moments. Monk says that since coming to the world incessantly felt protected by the Virgin Mary, who chose to fulfill a sacred mission: the ascension of a monastery. - Father listened Gerontius Puiu Virgin command and lived as a hermit for ten years in a cave until the summer of 1970. For ten years, every night, he looked great on Caraiman cross. Then say, I swore Maicutei Lord, if I return safely to the world below, will build a monastery dedicated to the Ascension of the Holy Cross, the court which can be seen the cross on top Caraimanului. - After the Revolution of 1989 he returned to Neamt Monastery, where monks still alive recognized him, although 30 years had passed. He was anointed monk there, then was enrolled in seminary, although it had only completed four classes in their village. A week was a deacon, then, this happened in 1992, the local bishop anointed priest, after order of Melchizedek because past the age of Christ. - Manastirea Caraiman este o manastire ortodoxa aflata in localitatea Busteni, la poalele masivului Caraiman. Crucea de pe Caraiman parca strajuieste poteca ce duce pasii pelerinilor spre manastire. Mergand spre telecabina din Busteni, la un moment dat, pe partea stanga, un indicator si o icoana arata poteca, cu dale de piatra pe alocuri, ce duce spre manastire. - Poteca, mergand parca pe ascuns, pe sub coroanele intunecate ale brazilor, ajunge, in cele din urma, intr-o oaza de lumina, masivul Caraiman ivindu-se in toata splendoarea lui. In aceasta poiana, Parintele Gherontie Puiu a ridicat, din mila lui Dumnezeu si cu ajutorul Maicii Domnului, o mareata manastire. - Parintelui i-au trebuit ani buni sa se aseze aici, dar nu la intamplare, ci cu indrumarea Maicii Domnului, care i s-a aratat de mai multe ori in vis, fiindu-i aproape in toate clipele grele. Calugarul spune ca inca de la venirea sa pe lume s-a simtit neincetat sub protectia Maicii Domnului, care l-a ales pentru indeplinirea unei sfinte misiuni: inaltarea unei manastiri. - Parintele Gherontie Puiu a ascultat porunca Maicii Domnului si a trait ca un sihastru timp de zece ani intr-o pestera, pana in vara lui 1970. Timp de zece ani, in fiecare noapte, el a privit crucea cea mare de pe Caraiman. Atunci, spune, i-am jurat Maicutei Domnului ca, daca ma voi intoarce cu bine in lume, jos, voi construi o manastire cu hramul Inaltarea Sfintei Cruci, din curtea careia sa poata fi privita crucea de pe varful Caraimanului. All right reserved by Ja Ja Bin
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 06:53:09 +0000

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