Enjoy the reading. Daily Devotions The Divine Power That Is in - TopicsExpress


Enjoy the reading. Daily Devotions The Divine Power That Is in the Believer Tuesday, July 2, 2013 John 16:5-15 In Matthew 13:11, Jesus told the disciples, “To you it has been granted to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to [the crowd] it has not been granted.” As followers of Christ, we, too, have the privilege to know all of the truths God has chosen to reveal in Scripture. But do you ever feel as if other believers are somehow in on a secret that you don’t know? Do you ever have the sense that they have managed to solve the mystery of how to rejoice in suffering, conquer sin, forgive the unforgivable, or live a life of love in ways you haven’t yet discovered? If that’s your situation, then I have good news for you. So draw near to hear, and open your eyes to see the truth: The secret to living the Christian life is to become best friends with the Holy Spirit. He has all the right qualities for that role and will not disappoint you—the Bible teaches us that the Spirit of God is someone we can lean on, who helps us make the right decisions, and with whom we can share our deepest feelings (John 14:17; 16:13; 2 Cor. 13:14). And the Holy Spirit offers believers much more. He loves us, protects us, and assists when we pray. He also works in and through us with divine power, and helps us to become like Jesus. God’s Spirit is a person with whom we can have a close personal relationship—and He has our best interest at heart. Ask Him to reveal Himself to you through the Scriptures, and then be prepared to have a friend unlike any earthly companion—one who is with you constantly, whispering of your heavenly Father’s mercy and your Savior’s love. =================== A Flying Miracle July 2, 2013 — by Dave Branon Our Daily Bread Radio is hosted by Les Lamborn Read: Psalm 104:10-24 O LORD, how manifold are Your works! In wisdom You have made them all. The earth is full of Your possessions. —Psalm 104:24 Bible in a Year: Job 22-24; Acts 11 Among God’s creatures, the butterfly is one of the most stunningly beautiful! Its gentle flight, colorful wings, and amazing migratory patterns are traits that make the butterfly a masterpiece of the natural world. This flying insect, while supplying us with visual enjoyment, also supplies us with amazing examples of the marvels of God’s creative work. For instance, the majestic monarch butterfly can travel 3,000 miles on its migration to Central America—only to end up at the same tree its parents or even grandparents landed on a generation or two earlier. It does this guided by a brain the size of a pinhead. Or consider the monarch’s metamorphosis. After the caterpillar builds a chrysalis around itself, it releases a chemical that turns its insides to mush—no perceptible parts. Somehow from this emerges the brain, internal parts, head, legs, and wings of a butterfly. One butterfly expert said, “The creation of the body of a caterpillar into the body and wings of a butterfly is, without doubt, one of the wonders of life on earth.” Another expert feels that this metamorphosis is “rightly regarded as a miracle.” “How manifold are [God’s] works!” (Ps. 104:24)—and the butterfly is but one of them. We stand amazed, God, at the awesome creation You allow us to enjoy. From distant galaxies to beautiful butterflies, You have given us a world that speaks loudly of Your love for us. Thank You, Lord, for creation. Creation’s design points to the Master Designer. ==================== "Just Keep Swimming!" by Katherine Britton “Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.” – Hebrews 12:1 On Saturday night, I let myself go limp in front of the TV. The blur of activity, newness, and ridiculously hot weather the week before had exhausted me, so a complete mind/body check-out seemed in order. I don’t have cable and I didn’t bother to turn on instant streaming, so my viewing selection was pretty limited. I soon found myself watching Finding Nemo. Remember the part where the all-important scuba mask slips down, down, down into the dark gorge? Marlin panics and goes after it, only to swim frantically back out of the darkness. Then the crazy blue fish with a short term memory problem frolics her way into that same blackness with nary a care. A moment later Dory comes back to encourage Marlin. “Hey, Mr. Grumpy Gills,” she says, “When life gets you down, you know whatcha gotta do?” “No, I don’t want to know watcha gotta do.” “Just keep swimming! Just keep swimming! Just keep swimming!” Not that I’m taking lessons from a digitized blue fish, but Dory’s attitude reminded me what perseverance should look like. It’s not that sitting on the couch and taking a break was evil in itself, but my can’t-go-any-farther attitude was. That attitude indicated that I was slogging away in my own strength and had run out of energy without looking to the Lord for supernatural help. At points like that, even though I know the answer, “I don’t want to know watcha gotta do” to keep pursuing what God has called me to do. Wallowing in my exhaustion seems so much easier. Sunday evening, someone reminded me that, “when life gets you down” and you’re exhausted, God’s faithfulness has the chance to shine through. The end of my rope is the beginning of grace made evident in my life, providing the strength to “keep swimming” even though I’m exhausted. And He gets the praise, because I know that strength is no longer something in me. His mercies are “new every morning” (Lam. 3:23) and enough to keep me moving in the direction that He encourages me to go. My responsibilities are just one more way to bring me to my knees and let the Lord refresh me with His grace. After that, I can keep going in His mercy, and even sing while I’m at it. His faithfulness never ends. Intersection of Faith & Life: The Bible is full of reminders of God’s faithfulness to believers, and the stories all end with God being glorified for their reliance on Him. In the end, it’s when we are weak that He makes us strong (2 Cor. 12:10). Further Reading: Philippians 1:4-6 1 Corinthians 9:24 How to Pray on the Go
Posted on: Tue, 02 Jul 2013 14:51:24 +0000

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