Episode - 11 ............................ The detective - TopicsExpress


Episode - 11 ............................ The detective suspected Harry but he couldnt confirm it because the girl might have so many other friends. He also thought about the team members she worked with. May be they could have visited her flat frequently. But Harry never mentioned about anyone who used to visit her flat but him. He called the Jharkhand police department and informed everything. The Jharkhand police dispatched teams to the mining area to search for the machine. The detective is more concerned about the murder and how was it done. All he could do is follow his gut rather than reasoning. He set out to Harry’s flat to talk to him. Before leaving his office he enquired whether they have found the criminal they saw in the footage. The team reported “Negative”. The detective met Harry personally. He told everything about the girl. The detective told everything all over again to Harry. The murder, the missing finger prints, different blood group, the criminal who is at large, the mining, Dollar and his team and at last he showed him the photographs taken before and after the death of the girl. The detective explained about them and Harry was confused. But then the very next second Harry realized that the detective was suspecting him and he told what happened from the start. Harry said that on Monday the girl told Harry that she wanted to say something and at the same time Harry told about the dinner to her. They went to the restaurant and when the girl was about to tell him something he got a call from his friend Samar. Then he said he had to leave as Samar called him to pick him up from the station. After that harry told that he talked to the girl on phone and the next day afternoon she was found dead. The detective was about to ask something and his phone rang. He picked it up. The officer who called said “Sir, we located the criminal’s position. We are on our way.” The detective hung up and rushed to his office. Episode - 12 ............................. Harry was so confused on listening to the story of his lover. He couldnt believe that she had such a past. He returned to his flat and shared everything with Samar. Samar was also surprised to hear that hell of a story around that girl’s murder. The detective drove with lightning speed and reached his office. He enquired about how they could track him down. They said that right after he left the office they got a call from one of the police stations that a woman filed a complaint that her car was stolen and she also told that she can identify the person as she saw him while stealing the car. The police showed some photographs of which our wanted criminal’s photo was one of them. She quickly identified and they informed them about the whole story. The car has HSNP (High Security Number Plate) so it was easy for them to track him down. The detective asked the lady officer of the criminal’s current position and she said “He is on NH8 sir, the Delhi-Gurgaon Expressway” The detective, on seeing the map in front of him, quickly said “Good job”. The detective asked them to make a road block if necessary. He, before taking a seat in front of the map, said “I need confirmation of his identity” the lady officer quickly spoke something in her mouth piece and said “We are on it sir”. -- Out there somewhere a man in a dark, hollow and metallic room is working on a machine which is hovering above the floor. Another man appeared from the darkness and started speaking “Are we ready?” the man who is working said “The brain is still not working sir; I need some time”. The other man looked at him with anger and said “Make it fast” -- Episode - 13 .......................... After quite a chase and a hell lot of firing, they got the criminal. The team arrested him and brought him to the detective’s office. He was a tall man with untidy attire. His face has scars and his build is athletic. The detective with a file in his hand entered the room in which the criminal was put and sat on the chair in front of him who was hand cuffed. The detective said “Mr. Farukh alias Paandu” with a chuckle, the detective continued “a ridiculous name for a notorious criminal like you”. Paandu looked at the detective with a blank expression. The detective, who was smiling a couple of seconds before, stopped and quickly asked him “What were you doing in the girl’s flat the night she was murdered?” Again, there was a blank expression on the criminal’s face. The detective asked “Did you kill the girl?” Paandu replied “I didn’t kill anyone”. The detective said that they have found a knife with blood on it but the blood group is different from the blood group of the girl. The detective asked “Did someone attack you or something; I see you are wounded, am I right?” Paandu replied “I slipped somewhere”. The detective laughed and said “The DNA of the blood on the knife matches with yours my dear, tell me what happened that night.” Paandu looked straight into the detective’s eyes and said “Find the machine. Stop them from doing it.” Episode - 14 ......................... “Stop them from doing what?” the detective asked curiously. “There was this machine Dollar built….” Paandu started to narrate and the detective interrupted and said “I know about him and the machine, but you said stop them from doing it. What exactly the machine was all about?” “Hmmm, remove all the charges on me then I will do whatever you want” Paandu demanded in a harsh tone. The detective stood up by inhaling heavily and said “Charges? Hmmm” the very next second the detective punched in Paandu’s face with lightening force. Paandu toppled along with his chair. Detective raised him violently and grabbed his hair and said “You are here to answer my questions otherwise I am going to shove the hot metal rod up your ass and twist it until I get my answer from you” Paandu is bleeding and shivering. The detective took his seat in front of him and stared at him expecting him to tell everything he knows. Paandu couldnt maintain the eye contact with him but he started to speak “In the bunker, Dollar’s assistant found the blue prints which led us to build a machine. A team of 10 members worked on it. I was a part of that team and they made us believe that it was an undercover government project. I wanted to start a new life leaving behind everything I have done in my past. I had no idea at first that it was a plan of Dollar. We worked and built it and then me and the girl, while studying the Machine and the chemicals we used we confirmed that it was a bio-weapon. At first we thought it to be a dummy and won’t work but when we tested keeping the machine to its lowest power, it gave us shock waves. As soon as we triggered it, it sent some foul liquid into the ground and polluted it. We had no idea what it did but when we observed the area on which we tested, there was cracked land and all the insects and living things that dwelled inside were dead. The very next day the girl planted a seed in the ground and it didn’t grow into a plant. We waited and waited but no result. After few days we began falling sick and becoming weak. The girl studied and said that it was a result of that machine and we should destroy it. We informed all the team members along with Dollar’s assistant. But who knew that some of us will face death for revolting against Dollar. Me, the girl and a couple of team members opposed to the idea of putting the machine to work. Dollar denied and asked them to leave quietly and asked the remaining to stay. But he hunted us down on by one. But I managed to escape” With a gap he said “I think the girl deactivated the machine before she left and they got pissed. Recently I came to know that they are almost done in making it work again.” “If it’s done, we are dead officer” Paandu wiped the blood off his nose. Episode - 15 .......................... “We have informed the Jharkhand police, they dispatched teams to search all over the Chota Nagpur plateau” said the detective. Paandu said “Jharkhand? Who said the machine is in Jharkhand? They have moved it from there long back my dear officer.” The detective asked “Moved it where?” “Madhya Pradesh, somewhere in the Bhil tribe region” Paandu said. The detective asked “Why there?” Paandu said “I don’t know. But if they keep the machine to its full power, India would be extinct in a few months.” The moment he heard those words, the detective ordered his sub ordinates to inform this to the Jharkhand police and as well as to the MP police ASAP. The detective asked Paandu “Can you recognize the one who attacked you?” “No he was wearing a mask while he attacked me first time and I managed to escape. Then I thought he would be going after the girl. So I decided to go watch over her. I saw her leaving the flat with a guy on a bike. I followed them and they went to a restaurant. They were dining and after sometime I saw the boy leave the place followed by the girl. I followed her to the flat. I checked the surroundings for a lot of time, the backyard, the parking and then I saw someone entering into balcony of the girl’s flat. As soon as I saw that, I rushed. I reached her flat and started knocking at her door.” --- Monday 11:45 pm The girl hung up the phone. She was about to sleep and someone knocked at her door. She got frightened as she wasnt expecting anyone so late that night. She walked slowly towards the hall and switched on the lights. Before going to open the door, she walked into the kitchen and grabbed a knife as she knew that she was in danger. She reached the door and peeped through the magic eye. She got relieved on seeing Paandu outside the door. Her heart beat slowed down but out there he was continuously knocking. She wondered what on earth he was doing outside her flat at this point of time. As soon as she opened the door, Paandu rushed into her flat saying “Someone entered into your flat through the balcony”. The girl asked “What! Who is there?” Paandu who is sweating, nervous and in a lot of haste in checking the rooms said “Dollar is hunting us down, someone attacked me yesterday and he is after you now.” The girl said “There is no one in the flat”. “No I saw someone entering into your flat” saying that, Paandu said “The dining room’s door is open, do you always keep this door open?” The girl’s face expressions changed and she said “No!” she started stepping back and then suddenly out of nowhere a man with a mask stabbed Paandu from behind. Paandu resisted and threw him away. He crashed into something which is quite not visible in the dark. Paandu, out of that searing pain, crashed to the ground. --- “I couldnt stand up at that moment. I saw the man go after the girl. She struggled to fight him but she failed. I saw him stabbing her and she crashed a few feet away from me. I fell unconscious for a few minutes then I woke up. I checked whether she is alive or not. She was dead. I couldnt do anything at that time so I left the flat.” Paandu said. Episode - 16 ........................... The detective left the room when Paandu was done telling what happened that night. He reached his office and one of his sub ordinates asked him “Sir? Any lead?” the detective shook his head and said “No but one thing is clear, that the girl was stabbed with another knife” and giggled. The detective asked his team whether they have informed the MP police or not. They said that they did and swat teams are on their way. The detective couldnt figure out who could have committed the murder. He felt helpless and dejected. -- Amid the bhil tribal area, the person who is working on the machine smiled and said to himself “You are a god-damn genius” and lifted up a lever after which a rumbling sound echoed all over the metal room. Listening to that a man suddenly appeared from the darkness and said by pulling out a pistol from his jacket “Shall I consider it done or you need more time?” -- Thursday Dawn Swat teams reached the tribal area with guns and ammo. They were laying strategies to break into the facility but the whereabouts of which were still unknown. 07:30 am The officer who is in charge of the operation in Madhya Pradesh made a phone call to the detective saying that they were unable to find the machine and they need some help. The detective said that they have this guy who worked on it in the past. The officer asked the detective to bring him ASAP. Episode - 17 ........................... The detective along with Paandu departed from New Delhi in a helicopter to the Bhil tribal area in Madhya Pradesh. -- Thursday 11:00 am Harry was sitting in his flat thinking about everything that had happened in the past couple of days. He couldnt digest the fact that he should live hi entire life without his love. He has nothing to then but to mourn. He wandered in the flat with sorrowful thoughts overflowing from his eyes as tears. He walked to the cupboard and started taking out all the memorable things and stuff. And then he saw something unusual. -- Detective and Paandu reached the site after a couple of hours. The officer in charge over there shook hands with the detective and took a glance at Paandu and said “So, he is the one?” The detective nodded in agreement. The officer came straight to the point and asked Paandu “Where is it?” Paandu replied “I don’t know”. Detective and the officer exchanged looks with a what-the-hell kind of expression. The moment detective was about to ask something, Paandu said “But I know how to find it?” As soon as Paandu said that, the officer asked him “So what are you waiting for?” Paandu replied “Large-Area Plasma-Panel Radiation detector” with a gap he said “Use that and you can track down the exact location”. -- Out there somewhere the person who is working on it pushed some buttons on a dial pad installed on the machine and then he hit the green button. As soon as he did that a countdown timer got triggered. That was set to 20 minutes. The person called out “Dollar sir” by packing his things and called out again “Dollar sir”. A blunt tone came from the end of the room saying “Let’s move”. After a couple of minutes, the room was all alone with the machine and the only sound that can be heard was the ticking of the countdown timer. -- Episode -18 ............................ After a few minutes they have located the machine. They reached the spot and they found out that it was an underground facility. Paandu was provided with a couple of tools and he was given a suit to wear so as the others who were accompanying him to the facility. They slowly climbed down the ladder and reached a room full of dead equipment and foul smell. They slowly walked towards a door which was locked. They had to blast the door to open it. They entered and they saw that disc shaped machine hovering above the metal floor. The men who were armed were stationed accordingly and Paandu who is getting to ready to stop the machine somehow got terrified on seeing the countdown timer at once. It was ticking and all they got was 5 minutes. The detective asked Paandu “Can you shut it down?” Paandu who is in a haste, said “I don’t know” and he started unscrewing a panel. Paandu is sweating. He was checking the timer every now and then. Beep…. 4 minutes. Everyone in the room was so tensed. Paandu was trying so hard to shut it down but he couldnt find the way to do it as the design was changed and the person worked on it tampered with everything. He tried to manually override the functioning, tried to damage it but he couldnt stop the timer. Beep…. 3 minutes Paandu’s heart pounded so faster than before. His breathe was so fast and his hands are shaking. The detective and the officer stood still watching him work like a machine on that deadly thing. Beep…. 2 minutes Paandu failed in every attempt he made. He can’t go deeper into the mechanism as it can lead to a blast and everyone out there will die and the consequences were quite unknown to him at that moment. He tried to break into the timer and disconnect the wiring but he has no idea about the counter mechanism. He dug so deep into his memory to find the solution to stop it. Beep…. 1 minute… 59…. 58…. 57….56….. “50 seconds! God damn it” the officer yelled at Paandu. But Paandu who is still thinking on what to do didn’t move a muscle. Beep Beep Beep…. The sound started to kill everybody in the room from inside. 39… 38… 37…36… Paandu crashed down on his knees out of helplessness. He laid his hand on the machine and was still searching for a solution in his mind palace. 30…29…28…27… He suddenly started staring at the bottom of the machine while everybody was planning to deal with the consequences as they gave up on Paandu. 19….18….17….16… Paandu crawled underneath the machine, opened a panel and said under his breath “Hope this works” while the detective was observing his new move. 9….8…7….6 He disconnected all the wires randomly and hit a red button. The beep stopped giving out a horn like sound which echoed all over the room. Everybody’s heart almost stopped at that very moment. They were so anxious to know whether the machine got shut down or got triggered. Episode - 19 .......................... The timer stopped at 2 seconds. There was a few seconds of silence in the room. Everyone’s soul relaxed for a moment and everybody started applauding. The officer hugged Paandu out of happiness as soon as he stood up. The detective patted on his back and said “Youve done it”. The detective, Paandu and the officer along with the all the members returned to the base. The officer sent teams to safely bring the machine to the surface. The teams have done as instructed and they contained it properly. The machine was transported to New Delhi with utmost protection and care. The detective, Paandu and the officer had some chatter and then they discussed about the murder. The officer advised them to do it quick as they shouldnt leave any loose ends. Paandu was appreciated by the officer for the job he has done but the very next second the detective hand cuffed him and returned to the chopper. They departed from there and headed New Delhi. 11:30 am Harry is continuously calling the detective but the line was unavailable. He wanted to share everything he has seen in his very own flat a few minutes back. He was actually so surprised to see such a thing all of a sudden and he couldnt find any explanation for that. He was waiting for Samar to arrive at the flat. 2:30 pm The detective asked Paandu to stay in his office with his hands still cuffed. He went to visit the girl’s father who has been arrested the previous day. He told everything that had happened and he also said that he will try to free him as soon as possible. He returned to his office and thanked Paandu for his help. The detective also said that he will let him go by removing all the charges on him and give him a second chance to live freely out in the world. But he warned him not to pull out any jobs. The detective said to Paandu that he had to stay for that night and he will make the arrangements to free him the next morning. Paandu promised him that he will live a good life with his wife who is waiting in his home town. The detective reached his house to take some rest. But his mind is occupied with the still unsolved mystery behind the murder. But for some time he thought of keeping that aside and have a drink. Friday 11:30 am The detective freed Paandu from the shackles and let him go as promised. Paandu thanked him and before leaving he handed over the blue prints to the detective and some documents which might help him solve the murder case. The detective returned to his office and was taking a look at the blue prints. It was all mumbo jumbo so he kept them aside. But then, something drew his attention. It was a photograph. As soon as he pulled it out and had a look, he was shocked. The very next moment he pulled out his mobile and called someone. The person didn’t lift the phone. The detective rushed to his car and drove off somewhere with lightning speed. Episode - 20 ............................ Thursday 11:30 am Harry is continuously calling the detective but the line was unavailable. He wanted to share everything he has seen in his very own flat a few minutes back. He was actually so surprised to see such a thing all of a sudden and he couldnt find any explanation for that. He was waiting for Samar to arrive at the flat. After a couple of Hours Samar arrived at the flat. He saw harry so tensed and holding something in his hand. Samar walked up to him and asked “What happened?” Harry handed the photograph to Samar and asked “Explain me this” Samar smiled, took a deep breath and said “I feel so sad that I had to kill such a beautiful girl. God! I loved her” That was a group photograph with Samar standing beside the girl with a disc shaped object behind them. Harry got horrified as soon as he listened to that. He couldnt speak for a few seconds while Samar is smiling and staring at Harry with a wicked look. And when Harry took a seat on the couch with nothing in his mind but shock, Samar said “I am sorry my friend. I had to” Episode - 21 ........................... -- Few years ago in Patna Samar was an orphan. He grew up as a servant in a rich man’s house. He used to study and learn martial arts along with that rich mans son. After few years he was accused of stealing things and was put in jail. After 5 years of imprisonment he set his foot out in the world to live as a free man. And then he used his talent, martial arts, as his livelihood. He started to teach martial arts to students and some youth of the city. After a couple of years he met Harry and they became best friends. Samar used to share everything with him. Harry used to stay with his parents in Patna and he is an employee of a company in that city. But Samar struggled in each and every moment in his life to live out in this world. He used to hate India for giving him such a life. He always shared this feeling with Harry who in turn always tried to convince him to move on. But Samar’s life was not up to the mark. His earnings were never sufficient to him. He literally wants to change his fate but he couldnt find a way. And then one day he met someone and the person, don’t know what exactly he wanted from Samar, offered him a job. After few days he informed Samar that he got a job in Calcutta and he was going to leave. Harry was happy for him and after that Samar never talked to Harry until that night he called while Harry was dining with the girl. The person who offered a job to Samar met him in Patna. The person was so persuasive that Samar revealed everything that happened in his life. The person wants to take advantage of his hatred towards his country, his criminal background and his lack of sufficient money. Then he lied to him that he was going to offer a job which was an undercover government project and he could earn a lot of money. Samar believed in his words and joined hands with him. He also asked him not to disclose this information with anyone so Samar didn’t say a word to Harry about this. The person who recruited the members was Dollar’s assistant. Dollar asked for 3 engineers, 3 scientists, 2 persons with criminal background and 2 persons who were good in literature. Dollar’s assistant did all that had been asked for and they started the work. Apart from these 10, Dollar maintained a couple of men who supervised over the team. After few months, when the machine was fully built the girl and Paandu came to know that it was deadly and shared it with every other team member. Everyone was on their side but Samar. He was ready to do anything for money because he wanted to change his life. After few days when Samar came to know that Dollar was hunting them down, he pleaded Dollar not to kill the girl as he fell in love with her. Dollar agreed and asked Samar to convince the girl otherwise he was going to kill her too. Samar agreed and reached New Delhi to meet her. Samar used to visit her flat often and tried to convince her. She never listened to him. Samar was unable to decide what to do. -- “And then I saw you, Harry” Samar said and continued speaking to Harry who is still sitting on the couch listening to him with tear filled eyes and outraged “I saw you hanging out with her, visiting her flat and much more. I couldnt take it Harry.” Samar, by slowly walking, reached the cupboard and pulled out a pair of gloves followed by a knife from his back pack which was hidden until then. He said “Hooking up with my girl pissed me off my friend” Vidyadhari Molleti Harsha Vardhan Gali Vamsi Krishna Praneeth Reddy Praneeth Karupati Harish Yannam DeeJay Harish Tejaswi Maturi Prem Pradeep Ravi Prasad Gali Sahitya Das Shaheli Das Sanjeevini Gollapalli Sai Laxmi Mukham R Sajana Nair Sind Usha Kennedy Arigela Km Raj Vinay Payala Anirudh Gupta Kvs Satya Kumar Sudheer Kumar Vijay Kumar Surya Kumari Jagadish Ravi Borra Sindhuri Thallavajhula Syamala Raghavendra Pradeep Al Praveen Kumar Joga Sandeep Kumar Jaya Madhuri Vedula Soujanya
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 14:06:35 +0000

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