Episode Recap – 9/9/13 Quinn, Wyatt and Hope at the warehouse. - TopicsExpress


Episode Recap – 9/9/13 Quinn, Wyatt and Hope at the warehouse. Hope asks if they’ll do it – partner with HFTF and Quinn says yes. Rick is in the office at FC and Liam comes in looking for Hope. Rick says she’s at a vendor but wants to talk to him and asks about his divorce. Thorne, Thomas, Eric and Caroline are in the office with models and Thorne and Thomas admit that HFTF relaunch is a good idea and is doing well. Eric says he sees a wonderful team here. Thomas goes over and talks to Caroline and tells her that her work is extraordinary. She tells him thank you that means a lot to her. Thorne talks to Eric about HFTF being a huge moneymaker and Eric says even if they disagree he’s happy that they’re all back in the mix again. He says it’s a win for all of us. Rick asks if the divorce is still on track and Liam says – of course. Rick says – you say that like there is no room for doubt but, then again Steffy could change her mind. Liam says – not this time. Rick says – you sound sure about it. Liam says – he is. Rick says – he hopes he’s right – but then again what if Steffy reappears and wants you back. Rick says – it’s not an option – right. Liam says - let me ease your mind. I love Hope – I’m going to marry the girl. I’m going to spend the rest of my life with her and start a family with her so – no, I’m not bailing. Rick says – he’s glad to hear it – Hope’s been through a lot. Liam says – I put her through a lot. I guess I could chalk it up to doing my best in a terrible situation but, I you know – I don’t even think that’s true. Rick goes on to talk about choosing between two women and Liam is surprised that he understands. Rick says – at first he didn’t but, now he has a whole new appreciation for what he’s gone through. Hope, Wyatt and Quinn go back into the house and Hope is talking about how happy she is. Wyatt says it’s fate and the Quinn wants to know what happened. Hope says they were looking at a lot of jewelry and that she just happened to love Quinn’s. Quinn is very flattered by this. Wyatt keeps saying that Hope knew all along so that she could spend more time with him. They laugh about it all. Wyatt says he’ s more fun than granola boy and Hope says – that’s my fiancé you’re talking about. Quinn wants to know what happens next and Hope says that Rick will call her and the legal dept. will get in touch with her. Wyatt brings up that maybe he should move back in since they’re going to be spending so much time together and that maybe Liam should move out or better yet – Hope should move in there and keep an eye on Quinn. Hope tells Quinn that her designs are perfect and exactly what they need. Eric and Caroline are talking about HFTF – Thomas and Thorne leave the office . Eric tells Caroline that she’s a real asset to the company. Caroline says she got her second chance and she’s not letting it slip away. Liam says – that the problem Rick has with two women most guys would want and Rick brings up Liam and that problem and Liam says – that’s why he knows it’s not fun – people get hurt. Rick says – Hope certainly did. Rick apologizes to Liam for maybe coming off a little strong in the past and Liam says – no dude you were totally right but, things are different now – Hope’s my future – we’re going to get married in a couple months, spend the rest of our lives together - I’m happy and I got rid of my obnoxious room mate. Rick brings up Wyatt – his half brother - Liam says yes - that Wyatt lost his cushy ride. Quinn, Hope and Wyatt still talking about HFTF. Hope talks about going internationally – Quinn is really happy and then someone comes in to show her something and she says she has to go down to the studio. She thanks Hope again and says this adventure could be a game changer for all of them. Wyatt tells Hope that she’s made him very happy that he didn’t think he was going to see her again. Eric and Caroline talk about Rick and Maya. They talk about being disappointed that she resigned. Caroline admits that she was wrong about her. Caroline says she was being a brat and she’s changing. Eric says not to change too much – she’s terrific and Rick thinks so too. Thomas comes in Rick’s office to show him the new jewelry that Hope selected. They all look at it and Liam likes it. Rick asks who the designer is and Rick finds the name and says Quinn’s Artisan Jewelers. Liam hears the name and can’t believe it. He gets angry and Rick is questioning him and he says that’s his half-brother. Liam gets angry and says – is this some kind of cosmic joke – what do I have to do to get rid of this guy. He kind of shouts it out and Thomas and Rick look at him strangely. Hope tells Wyatt she wondered about seeing him again too. Wyatt brings up they’ll be having late night meetings and they’ll be spending a lot of time together. Hope laughs about it and then says – do they have a deal and puts her hand out. Wyatt grabs her hand and kisses it gently. Caroline is looking at clothes on the rack and she’s coordinating them by color. Rick comes in and smiles at her about how obsessive she is. Caroline comes and says things are really happening - that’s why she’s come there to work and it’s like her dreams are coming true. Rick tells her she came through when it mattered most with that edge. He says that she makes him laugh and she’s quite the package Caroline Spencer. She says it’s about time that he remembered. They kiss. Wyatt is working on his I-pad sketching out thoughts for advertising. Quinn comes in smiling and says she gets why Wyatt is so attracted to Hope. She says that Hope is not only beautiful, she’s sweet and warm and refreshing. I guess growing up privileged did not spoil her one bit. Wyatt is glad that she’s starting to see Hope like he does. She says – you know what I like best – the way she lights you up – any woman that can do that is a-okay in my book. Hope goes into the office. She sees Liam and says she’s glad he’s there she has news for him. He looks strange and she asks if he’s okay. He says – sure and nods towards the jewelry display. She says – oh so you know and he says – yeah, I was kind of hoping you were going to come in here and tell me Thomas and Rick made a mistake and that there was a miscommunication. She says no and he can’t believe that she really signed a deal with them after everything that’s happened. She says – to be fair I didn’t know it was his company. She says she loved the jewelry and it’s perfect for HFTF. She says she offered them a deal and Wyatt accepted. Liam says – Huh shocking. He’s angry. Hope says – babe this is business. Liam says – yeah for you it’s totally business – for Wyatt it’s an opportunity to move in on my future wife. Hope brings up there’s no reason for Liam to be jealous. He says he’s not jealous – she looks at him and he says – I am so jealous – I am completely, justifiably jealous. Liam says he’s not living with us again and Hope says – and no one invited him. He says – good. Liam wonders why Hope hired Wyatt without saying anything to him. She says she really didn’t think about how he would react. He says – yeah because you were probably too excited to tell Wyatt the happy news. Hope laughs and says – Oh sweetie this is such a welcome change. She kisses him and she’s laughing. He says – okay – he deserves that after putting her through what he did – he asks if the jewelry is really that good and she says it’s that good. He says – damn it. He says – at least you’ll probably be working mostly with Quinn. He tells Hope the reason he wanted to see her is that he met with his attorney and the divorce proceedings are going swimmingly . Hope says – good –she was afraid he was going to say that Steffy changed her mind. He says – they’re all set – they’re going to get married – they’re going to spend the rest of their lives together and he’s going to use that lifetime proving to you that you have no reason to doubt him ever again. He says – it’s you and me kid. She says – good. That’s all I ever wanted. They kiss and smile at each other.
Posted on: Mon, 09 Sep 2013 18:43:06 +0000

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