Eritrea: Love of country! The Promised Land. The Land of hedri by - TopicsExpress


Eritrea: Love of country! The Promised Land. The Land of hedri by Hillal » 7/20/2014 Love of country1 The Promised Land! The Land hedri If ጸማም ሓደ ደርፉ are the new buzz words that can accurately describe the love of Eritrea and its people and the essence and true meaning of Eritrean nationalism, then I am all for it. To be an Eritrean is a privilege. It comes loaded with rights and duties, responsibilities and obligations. When the amount of blood, sweat and tears shed and sacrifices paid are factored in, it makes our absolute commitment to our shared values and beliefs a MUST. These shared beliefs and commitments are embedded in our core values - the values of Shaebia of yesterday, today and forever. To be a proud citizen of this Promised Land of ours, having an Eritrean blood line alone isnt enough. The honor, dignity and pride that comes with it demands more from each one of us. A deep soul searching is required to figure out our place in the Eritrean order of things. A never ending devotion to the national cause combined with the solemn duty to support and defend Eritrea against all enemies, foreign and domestic -anywhere, anytime and by any means necessary is one of the noble tasks and duties. PIA in one of his recent interviews stressed out that our biggest achievement in the last two decades is the laying of the unshakable solid foundations of Eritrean nationalism. The entire history of our struggle is the history of our fight for liberty, freedom, justice, rule of law and human dignity. Those who are trying to tell us otherwise or lecture us about these lofty ideals, are either mentally challenged or have sinister agendas and designs of their own. In fact, if history is going to be our guide, we can learn that those who dont believe in, desire for and have no use of the lofty ideals of liberty, freedom, democracy, justice, rule of law and human dignity are the ones that make the most noise just for political expediency. Building a nation isnt easy. The task of building a strong, united, democratic, progressive, assertive, dynamic and vibrant Eritrea is gaining momentum and it wont be long before its rightful place on the world stage is assured and ascertained. This isnt a pipe dream but a national covenant between Eritrea and its proud, dignified and can do people. The Eritrean peoples revolution success is due to the concerted and united effort of all Eritreans without exception. The Eritrean govt/ Shaebia have time and again reaffirmed that the Eritrean people are the most precious and valuable resource of the Eritrean nation. There are no special interest groups in Eritrea. The people are its main and only interest group. Every Eritrean has a stake in the Eritrean dream. More than 100.000 martyrs paid the ultimate sacrifice, tens of thousands were handicapped and all the veterans on active duty or not are still working tirelessly to build the Eritrea of our dreams and worthy of our martyrs sacrifices. They are our guiding light, a point of reference and a powerful measuring stick for our deeds and misdeeds. There are certain things that are hard to put some numerical figures and values beside them and are incalculable. The pain, suffering and agony of the children who lost their parents, parents who lost their children, families who lost their loved ones, normal lives disrupted and destroyed, missed and sacrificed opportunities, the never ending asualt on our national fabric and pide and dignity are some of the difficult to fathom and hard to comprehend tragedies that had visited Eritreans for far too long. All the brave souls who are in the Frontlines defending Eritrean sovereignty and/or are participating in the overall national development drive are doing it not for monetary or other benefits or personal gains but for the love of Eritrea and Eritrea only. Like the heroes/heroines before them, who fell down with their guns blazing and uttering the slogan, Awet Nihafhash, as their last words and breath they are on a mission to complete the sacred national goal. They are the keepers of the Hedri entrusted to us all. If and when Eritrea becomes economically sufficient and strong, the first issue that needs prompt attention is the issue of compensation, entitlement and benefits of these patriotic heroes/heroines who had given so much for so long to Eritrea but received so little. The accomplishment of our Eritrean dream is the biggest reward for us all, but as a nation, we have the duty, responsibilty and obligation to compensate them fairly for they are the pride and glory of the Eritrean nation. This is the proud and glorious history of ours. Now, we have to have the courage to ask ourselves what were/are our contributions to the Eritrean national cause. While most Eritreans are ardent supporters of the national cause, there are some among us who are in the habit of watching from the sidelines. “A revolution is not a dinner party, or writing an essay, or painting a picture, or doing embroidery; it cannot be so refined, so leisurely and gentle, so temperate, kind, courteous, restrained and magnanimous. A revolution is an insurrection, an act of violence by which one class overthrows another Mao Tse Tung. There are some gullible and political novices that are being used and abused by the enemies and detractors of Eritrea. We have the duty to bring them back home -their rightful place with the dignified and proud and law abiduing Eritrean silent majority. The traitors need no description for they have made a pact with the devil and are hell bent on destroying Eritrea and the Eritrean people. These stinking political corpses are beyond redemption and reading them their last rights is the ONLY preferred option - let the dead bury the dead. ⟩ ⟩
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 03:53:16 +0000

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