Etheric Liberation Front~ The Archons have transformed a heart - TopicsExpress


Etheric Liberation Front~ The Archons have transformed a heart society into a gut society to make humanity easy to scam, manipulate and control. In the spirit of removing the cause of the problem we have to change it back again. The heart and associated heart vortex, or chakra, are our prime connection to the infinite forever. The brain is supposed to be its servant not its master, but the Archon hijack could not have got anywhere close to where it is without the brain usurping the pre-eminence of the heart. Giordano Bruno (1548-1600) had the insight that comes from going beyond time and saw through the official version of reality. It was Bruno who said: ‘the Divine Light is always in man, presenting itself to the senses and to the comprehension, but man rejects it’ and ‘heroic love is the property of those superior natures who are called insane, not because they do not know, but because they over-know’. The known fears the unknown. What Bruno, Da Vinci and others tapped into for their insight may always have been there, but it can only be accessed by opening the mind and crucially the heart. This is the gift of heart intelligence. The heart views everything from outside the illusion. It is in this world, but not of it. As a result, people with heart intelligence are seen as crazy and impossible to fathom or understand. The brain is not the source of anything. It is the conduit, the biological computer system, which responds to information stimuli and makes it conscious in terms of five-sense perception and behaviour. Different areas of the brain become activated, or ‘light up’, when energetic information is received that relates to a specific role in decoding and communicating information to the holographic conscious mind. The information can come from the heart and the greater Consciousness (what some call the soul), or it can come from direct Archontic possession and the endless Archontic programs such as education, science, medicine, media, politics etc. Once you open yourself to heart intelligence – innate intelligence,universal intelligence – the ‘opposition’ is routed and the heart and brain speak as one. The Archons target the heart vortex in the way they have structured society and lock people into the emotional chakra in the gut. Positive feelings and perceptions like love and joy (high frequency) come from the heart. The idea is to block the influence of the heart by giving people so many reasons to feel fear, anxiety, stress and depression. Stress causes heart disease because it stems the flow of energy through the heart chakra and causes it to form a chaotic field that becomes more intense the longer the stress continues. This distortion is transferred through to the holographic heart and there you have the reason why in a fearful and stressed society that heart disease is a mass global killer. The heart vortex and its massive electromagnetic field is where human perception has been most effectively hijacked and we need to reverse that. Nothing is more important than this for those who truly want to free themselves from Archontic tyranny. If people think they can meet this challenge with anger, hatred or violent revolution they should feel free to waste their time. No shift from gut to heart = global tyranny. Shift from gut to heart = game over. It is possible to override and bypass the brain altogether and in fact this must be done to go beyond ‘time and space’. This is what Da Vinci, Bruno and others were doing. Normally information enters what we call the conscious mind through the brain with all the potential interference, blocks and filters caused by belief, emotion and other programming. But if you move your point of attention from the body out into the infinity beyond the Matrix you can make a direct connection between expanded insight and your own awareness. The ‘cavalry’ hasn’t come to you – you have gone to the ‘cavalry’. With the insight absorbed by your expanded point of attention you can bring that back to five-sense reality through the heart as intuitive knowing and not as mere thought which is routed through the brain. This is how we can tap into infinite insight and inspired knowing and bring it through into this reality in a pure and untarnished form.~ Julian Websdale
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 06:03:02 +0000

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