Ethics in the Design Field Every profession has its own set of - TopicsExpress


Ethics in the Design Field Every profession has its own set of ethical guidelines most of its members adhere to. And while the design industry’s code of ethics might not be as crucial as, say, the medical industry, there are still some important ethical considerations every design professional should think about. Here are some of the most prominent ethical considerations designers deal with, mostly specific to the design industry and similar creative professions. We’d love to hear your thoughts on them, and what other ethical dilemmas you feel designers face on a regular basis in the comments! Spec Work The ethics of doing spec work have gotten a ton of attention in the past couple of years in the design world. Designers have mostly come down firmly on the side of not doing spec work. And for good reason. There are a number of disadvantages to doing work for spec, and it’s not just bad news for the designer. Clients can suffer from spec work, too. First, lets look at the arguments for doing spec work. There are a few, and on a purely superficial level, they seem like good ideas. New designers will often be willing to work on spec to build their portfolios. Sometimes they can pick up more prominent clients by promising the client that they’ll only pay if they like the design, or by entering design competitions for bigger companies or organizations. Companies requesting spec work often feel like they’ll get better designs, since they’ll have a variety of designs to choose from. They feel that by making it a competition, they’ll somehow get better work.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 08:51:40 +0000

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