Even A Whistle Can Be Used “There is no one insignificant in - TopicsExpress


Even A Whistle Can Be Used “There is no one insignificant in the purposes of God.” ~ Alistair Begg When I was in elementary school, I begged my parents to allow me to learn to play an instrument. However, the instrument of my parents and eventually my choosing was the clarinet (you see, my older brothers had already gotten the “cool” ones – a saxophone and trumpet). While I was a little disappointed about having to play the clarinet, I decided that it was better to have an instrument to play than none at all. My band director wasn’t as convinced by my attitude however and one day he had asked me to stay to talk. I confessed that the clarinet was boring and wasn’t as cool as the trumpets or saxophones in the band but I wasn’t allowed to play either because my brothers already had those. My teacher listened and didn’t say much to my “complaint” but rather thanked me for being honest about how I felt. In elementary school band met Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. As we assembled for our next band session following our conversation, our music teacher asked us all to keep our instruments within their cases because he had something “cool” he wanted to share with us. He then pulled out a vinyl record from Glenn Miller and played us “Chattanooga Choo Choo” which for young aspiring musicians left a huge impact on our young musical hearts. For anyone who has really listened to the details of this score, they would notice that there were no insignificant or “uncool” parts or instruments as each one was used to highlight their unique gift that they offered – even the human whistle was used in such a cool way. While we were giggling and listening to this piece of music, it occurred to me why our band director had us do this simple exercise. Not only did it show me that all instruments have a purpose but that while an instrument can sound beautiful on its own, especially in this instance, the clarinet alone would have sounded incomplete and not attractive to listeners. Since my band director’s ”lesson,” I have grown to love the clarinet and have had the thrill to play it throughout my life and there are times when the musician from within my depths need to be expressed, I will pull out my clarinet and play until I can’t. Even during those times though, nothing compares to playing with other musicians and responding to the notes on the page making the music come alive as if by just one instrument. I believe the same can be true as we serve our Lord. While we have the ability to serve Him on our own, how beautiful it can be when we come together and serve together as one body. God designed us to compliment, encourage, and even need each other so we may glorify Him. In I Thessalonians 4:9 it says: “But as touching brotherly love ye need not that I write unto you: for ye yourselves are taught of God to love one another.” No one is unimportant. No one is insignificant. No one is useless. God created you with as much purpose and intent as our Pastor, head deacon, the faithful Children’s Ministry Director. The question is, are you allowing yourself to see that even though others have ”cooler” instruments to use, that the instrument you have been given is as important too? I hope that throughout your week you will see how significant you are to our Precious Heavenly Father and to our church body. Much love to you sweet friend and blessings on your week ♥
Posted on: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 10:53:08 +0000

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