Even The Theory Of Relativity Predicts The Existence of God As The - TopicsExpress


Even The Theory Of Relativity Predicts The Existence of God As The Bible Describes Him. Before I became a family physician, I did my undergraduate studies in Electrical Engineering at FIU, graduating Cum Laude by the grace and glory of God despite extreme circumstances which included the lost 3 years of high school from escaping a civil war, and having to “illegally” cross the USA-Mexican border to avoid having to fight for a communist government that was forcing me to war against my own family. I practiced as a digital communications engineer for about 12 years, while saving to complete my medical studies. I have always loved science and math, and the more I learn, the more I see God’s hand in His creation. So, science and God are not in opposition. God is the creator of science. If they seem to be in opposition to our faith, it is because we still do not have a complete knowledge of God’s truths, “for our knowledge is fragmentary (incomplete and imperfect)” (1 Corinthians 13). Not only that, we need the Holy Spirit to properly understand the knowledge that we already have, so for a non-believer to speak about these things is mere foolishness. So, as I was recently reading about one of the man I admire the most in this life, Albert Einstein, the Holy Spirit guided me to a clearer understanding of God’s word, and how, science is just barely finding out what the Bible has described all along, According to the Bible, God is light (1 John 1:5), and is best known as I AM (Exodus 3:14); He is the God of the NOW, the present and that is why God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow (Hebrews 13:8). And God said to Moses, I AM WHO I AM and WHAT I AM, and I WILL BE WHAT I WILL BE; and He said, You shall say this to the Israelites: I AM has sent me to you! (Exodus 3:14). Now, according to Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity, if anyone travels in space at the speed of light, time stands still. So, since God is light itself, He travels at the speed of light, and for Him time stands still. He is always in the NOW. He is the God of the NOW. Praise be to God because he reveals His truths to all those who humbly seek Him, to those who understand that all knowledge and wisdom come from Him. Please, see this video to better understand this truth: https://youtube/watch?annotation_id=annotation_276544&feature=iv&src_vid=G-R8LGy-OVs&v=xvZfx7iwq94 Share this with your kids to foster and cultivate in them a love for God and science. Science does not deny God, but helps to understand Him. God bless you brothers and sisters in Christ. Einsteins Theory Of Relativity Made Easy. Excellent videos explaining our universe, The beauty of Gods creation shown in the theory or relativity: https://youtube/watch?v=30KfPtHec4s Time Dilation | Einsteins Relativity https://youtube/watch?annotation_id=annotation_607616&feature=iv&src_vid=30KfPtHec4s&v=G-R8LGy-OVs Space-Time And The Speed Of Light | Einsteins Relativity https://youtube/watch?annotation_id=annotation_276544&feature=iv&src_vid=G-R8LGy-OVs&v=xvZfx7iwq94 E = mc² | Einsteins Relativity https://youtube/watch?annotation_id=annotation_656018&feature=iv&src_vid=xvZfx7iwq94&v=uTO1kxxlkpw
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 18:13:45 +0000

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