Even now, take the time to meditate on these scriptures and allow - TopicsExpress


Even now, take the time to meditate on these scriptures and allow the Holy Spirit to give you revelation of what you’re reading; don’t be in a rush to read on. You know I could give you my take on what I see in these scriptures but I believe it’s important, that revelation should originate between you and God. So when the time comes for you to minister to someone, it should be something that God birth out of your spirit not from what I or someone else has said. Now let me tell why that’s so important. Let’s recap what the demon said to the religious leaders trying to cast him out! He said “Paul I know and Jesus I know but you, I do not know” trust me the devil will know who you are and whether you’re coming at him with your own intellect or speaking from the spirit, heart and wisdom of God. Now understand these religious leaders tried to cast this demon in the name of Paul’s God. So first of all, the demon recognized that these leaders spoke as earthly intellectual religious men and second of all, the demon also recognized what dimension was backing them up, it was either an earthly or heavenly dimension. So, which side do you think will cause a demon to tremble? I have other scriptures further down which I would also ask that you stop and meditate on those as well. I can’t emphasize enough how important that is and hopefully you’ve done that with the ones above and if you have, you’ll understand the importance of what I have just said. I’m also going to purposely wait to post Part 2 for a few days, I really want people that would like God to use them in this area, to be in prayer and meditate in God’s word with all that’s been shared. Of course please don’t neglect your regular devotional time in the bible as well. I really want you to give time allowing these verses to settle in your hearts before moving on to Part 2; Now Part 2 is ready and I’ll format it, both in Word and as a PDF file. Now there are many who are going through such torment as we speak in your very own block or community that you live in and experiencing these demonic attacks in their homes. When God brings these types of issues before me, then I know that the person (s) are ready to receive deliverance and are ready to except the help. Now it is always God’s will for everyone to be delivered from these attacks and freed from the bondage of the enemy. There are those who really don’t want to be prayed for, for various reasons and trust me, I have heard many reasons that don’t make sense. Some aren’t being tormented but being enticed by its power and don’t really want to give up what they’re experiencing. For example, a church I once was attending the Pastor would have an extended time of worship and prayer after the initial service was over. On this one particular evening the Pastors wife and another leaders spouse were in another room praying for people. Suddenly I was called to the prayer room as the pastors wife explained to me, that as they were praying for a young lady they felt that something wasn’t right and asked if I would talk to her and pray for her. So I spoke to the young lady and asked if she wouldn’t mind me praying over her and she was more than willing to allow me to do that. When I prayed over her, I sensed that there was a demonic presence on her, so I commanded that if there were any unclean spirit on her to manifest it’s self and as soon as I had made that command, the girl suddenly arched her back over the back of the chair and her neck jerked back quickly, then here eye’s rolled completely back until you could only see the white of her eye’s, then her neck imploded like a frog’s neck would do when croaking. So when there was evidence of a demonic spirit, I commanded it to leave but I discerned right away that the girl was resisting at the same time. I then told the demon to be still and the girl sat back up on the chair and was normal again. I then told her if was she aware of a demonic spirit attached to her, and she said yes that she was aware of it but quickly told me that the spirit is a good spirit and said that her family believe there other spirits that help people giving them power to having an empowered life. Now if that wasn’t something her whole family attended the mother church of this denomination regularly. So I told the girl that it would be best that she and her friend leave our church and not return because we don’t approve of such beliefs, and feel that they are contrary of God’s word and that if she would return, then I would be force to cast out that demon forever, She didn’t want that and left quietly. There are many Christians attending church who are just like this young lady and her family. I’ve prayed for many in the pass ignorant in these things and find themselves sooner or later, undergoing demonic attacks because of believing in the false enticing power of the enemy. The pastor jokingly said to me “Joel we’ll need to get you a pager that glows red like the Bat phone (Batman) that would say 911 devil” the funny thing was… about that time, I’ve could have probably used one, I was really busy in that area of ministry. I could go on with stories like that but I’ll save that for a book I’ll write in the future. Then, there are those that don’t want to change their ways of a sinful lifestyle or give up habits that opens up doors that allows the enemy to atacking their physical and mental well being. There are many that don’t understand as well… that demonic spirits can attach themselves to them because of the type of people they associate with or environments they place themselves in. Also curses that other people may put on them or a type of occulted activity such as seeing physic palm readers or having their future read through tarot cards. There are also generational curses of pass sins or family and illnesses passed down through generations of the family line and have never been broken. Those types of things will open doorways for demonic attacks and continue onto the next generation and could attach themselves to their spouses and children. Now I’m not trying to scare anyone but these are things that we should not to be ignorant of. Remember we are more than conquers in Christ, so what I want to do is equip you and give you God’s word which is the sword of the Spirit, and God says that His word is alive and active and like a double edge sword.
Posted on: Sun, 29 Sep 2013 20:46:51 +0000

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