Evening Meditation: Sticks & Stones may break my bones but words - TopicsExpress


Evening Meditation: Sticks & Stones may break my bones but words CAN hurt me!.....The power of Life & Death ARE in the tongue!(Prov.18:21) In knowing this, how much more careful should we be in using it? Let us take heed my sisters, for we all will give account unto God for EVERY IDLE WORD we use. (Matt. 12:36)this is how serious God views the words that we CHOOSE to speak. why? BECAUSE THERES POWER IN THEM! we often forget that we were made in the very image & likeness of God Himself. (Genesis 1:26). God SPOKE our world into existence, Genesis 1), & we were given this same power through Christ to exercise for the rebuilding of His kingdom, yet to often we abuse & misuse it. Our words are either advancing the Kingdom of Heaven or our words are advancing the kingdom of darkness. Our words are either populating Heaven or populating hell. THERES NO MIDDLE GROUND, so the sooner we realize this, the better! The Lord asks, how long must you waver between two opinions? either serve one or the another? (1 Kings 18:21) Either be hot or cold , but not lukewarm lest I cast you away. (Revelation 3:16) . If youre going to live for the enemy then why not go to hell with a bang! but if youre going to live for JESUS, then LIVE FOR JESUS!!! Allow His light & character to be seen through you from miles away. leave no room for any to question your allegiance to the Kingdom of God. We may think that ours mere words have no major role in where we will spend eternity, but after todays word, I think we know better. ITS A NEW DAY my sisters, in Jesus name, amen.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 22:20:02 +0000

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