Evening Reflection “Furthermore, brethren, whatsoever things - TopicsExpress


Evening Reflection “Furthermore, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are worthy love, whatsoever things are of good report, if there be any virtue, or if there be any praise, think on these things.” The Epistle of the Apostle Paul to the Philippians 4:8 I found this one day online, and copied it to my documents. To be honest I dont know who wrote it. It was listed as text for an audio sermon. Note the part wherein the speaker(?) has broken up two words for pronunciation. The One the Only Way Greetings in the Name of Jesus Christ to all my Brethren: Today friends, I am going going to make two statements, both of which hold true. One – You will never, ever be good enough to work your way into heaven Two – You will never ever be bad enough to be excluded Now, you may be asking me, friend how can this be so? I can understand perhaps the first one, but the second one, well doesnt God want only good people? Friends, allow me to say that first of all God wants the sinners, He wants them to repent, and come back to Him, so for the latter part of your query, the answer is no, God doesnt want only good people. In fact, if all God wanted were good people there wouldnt be any people God could have, because, there would be none that could qualify as God wants them to be as He is in His eyes. The Scriptures say, that there is none that does good, no, not one. As for the first part, well, friends I have sort of just answered it, you cannot work your way into heaven, youre just not going to be good enough to do it. I dont care how many lil old ladies you help across the streets. I dont care how many times youve given alms to the less fortunate. It doesnt matter how many soup kitchens youve helped in to feed the homeless, or how much you put in the collection plate every Sunday. None of that is going to get you to the kingdom. I know Im sort of all over the map here, but I am going back to the second statement again. What I mean is that youll never be so bad that God cannot save you. Again as the scriptures states, His arm is not shortened that He cannot do, what he has said He will do. And what he will do is grant you grace and mercy. Now, both statements are conditional. This is to say that God has a certain requirement that MUST be met before youll be “good enough” for Him. That one condition, is that a person confesses their sins and asks God for forgiveness, and accepts the sacrifice of His Son Christ Jesus as savior. For as is written in the Epistle of James that He Himself is the propitiation (Pro-pish e ay shun) for the sins of all people. This is to say, that He, Jesus Christ made atonement for our iniquities (In Nick quit tees). Now friends, If youre hearing my voice, I ask you to join me in a prayer of confession and acceptance. But before we start, I want you to close your eyes, and picture yourself viewing the crucifixion. You have followed Jesus as He walked to His death. He has been beaten, scourged, spat upon, and treated with all the cruelty that the Romans could muster. You watched him being nailed to the cross, and as you stand there at the foot of that cross, a drop of blood hits you. Friend it is this blood that is going to make you right with God. It is this blood that is going to wash you clean. It is this blood that is being shed for your sins, so that you might live in the Kingdom. Would you pray with me now: Heavenly Father, I come to you today as an unclean sinner. I confess them to you and ask your forgiveness. I accept your Son Jesus as my savior, and invite Him into my heart. Friend, if youve prayed with me today, and meant it with all your heart, then I am proud to welcome you as member of Gods family. The next step you must now take, is to find a church, big or small, and start to fellowship with others. Read and study your Bible daily. In closing, I am leaving with a thought for all that have listened to this audio. There is a singer by name of Billy Joel, whose lyrics include the line; “Id rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints, the sinners are a lot more fun” Friends, this person doesnt know what hes missing
Posted on: Mon, 20 Jan 2014 00:26:51 +0000

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