Event:The Miss Malaysia Tourism Pageant 2014 Press - TopicsExpress


Event:The Miss Malaysia Tourism Pageant 2014 Press Conference Time:11.00am to 2.00pm Date:14th August 2014 Venue:Dorsett Grand Hotel, Subang Jaya The Miss Malaysia Tourism Pageant 2014 had a press conference on August 14th at the Dorsett Grand Hotel. The event organiser D’ Touch and presenter Mah Sing Group, together with the representatives of the Gold Sponsors were present to share their thoughts and sponsorship of this event, stating their purposes and intentions, hoping that the event will be much better, improved and more publicised than the last year’s one. The sponsors that attended were Dorsett Grand Subang Hotel, Commune, Yigaho, SEGi University, Berjaya Times Square and Coronar. Tan Sri Datuk Danny Ooi, the President of Miss Malaysia Tourism Pageant, announced that this year’s pageant will join hands with the Ministry of Health to raise dengue awareness, where this will not only benefit the public but also the 18 ladies who will be learning a lot from it. He hopes that the contestants would play their role and do something meaningful for the community. They are also working with the Rotary Club for charitable purposes, using tourism as a platform to achieve their aims. Mr. Hugo Gerritsen, being the Area General Manager of Dorsett Subang Hotel, was proud to represent the official hotel for this event, where after numerous collaborations with D’Touch, they hope to continue partnership for many more years to come, to further the bond of friendship and goodness through cooperation and mutual respect. The Deputy General Manager, Corporate Communications of Mah Sing Groups, Ms. Lyanna Tew, represented the company which is pleased to be the presenter of this event, as they are a firm believer in investing and building people. As an ardent supporter of home grown brands, they are happy to be a part of this, as Tan Sri has brought Malaysia’s name to international heights, at the same time opening the window of opportunities to these aspiring young women to embark on their journey of self discovery. Ms. Lyanna added that while technical skills are essential, it is those who can work well with other people who will do better. An exciting news was shared by Mr. Chia You Cheong, the Group Art Director of SEGi Holdings Sdn Bhd, where SEGi’s sponsorship includes 3 scholarships worth a total of RM200,000 for the top three winners to pursue any diploma of bachelor’s degree at SEGi University, or master’s degree at SEGi’s online campus, PACE. Present was also Executive Director of Berjaya Times Square Sdn Bhd, Ms. Chryseis Tan, who extended her congratulations and compliments on behalf of the company. Berjaya Times Square, the official shopping mall of the Miss Malaysia Tourism 2014 is looking forward to work together with the pageant to help meet new levels of expectations. CEO of Yigaho Corporation Berhad, Mr. Lim Soon Hooi, lightheartedly said that health and beauty should be looked at together, nicely describing the intention of such a pageant. Also, Brand Manager Mr. Brian Kudamarta, representing Commune Furniture Sdn Bhd, a brand new company in Malaysia but firmly established in other countries like Singapore and Indonesia, was happy to share that this is a platform for the company to shine in Malaysia. In addition, the last Miss Malaysia Tourism winner, Thaarah Ganesan also attended the conference, to share her experiences she got during and after her pageant. She said that the whole experience was beyond her imagination and she is still learning a lot from it, alongside being given the opportunity to travel and make a lot of friends. She had recently just gone to Zimbabwe. CEO of Coronar and 96 Magazine,Ms Rachelle Ng said that as the designated media coverage company for the pageant, Coronar will provide the multimedia communications platform for this event, including videography and photography sessions, as well as providing image consultation. Coronar’s involvement is meant to capture the beauties and talents of all the contestants in different angles and perspectives. Being a media powerhouse with the capabilities to enhance and improve the quality of this pageant, as well as a state of the art production abilities, the platform Coronar will use to fulfill its duties as a Gold Sponsor, is 96 Magazine. It is not only meant to showcase the contestants, but also the organisers, sponsors and everyone else involved, increasing their business opportunities. Coronar and 96 Magazine are also organising the sub-title, Miss Popularity, through 96 Magazine’s Facebook page. The 18 Miss Malaysia Tourism contestants made an appearance and introduced themselves one by one. After that, a group photo was taken together with the sponsors. The finals will take place on 23rd August at Dorsett Grand Subang. 活動:2014年大馬旅遊小姐記者招待會 時間:11.00am to 2.00pm 日期:2014年8月14日 地點:梳邦再也帝豪酒店 2014年大馬旅遊小姐記者招待會於8月14日在梳邦再也帝豪酒店進行。本次選美會由D’ Touch國際有限公司主辦,馬星集團榮譽呈現。活動金級贊助商代表,分享本次活動感想與贊助宗旨,希望能讓本次選美活動更添精彩。相關出席活動的主要贊助商包括帝豪酒店、世紀大學、成功時代廣場、Commune Furniture、Yigaho以及Coronar集團。 DTouch 負責人Tan Sri Datuk Danny Ooi 表示本次選美活動將參與骨痛熱症醒覺運動,希望能帶領候選佳麗為社會做些有意義的事。同時,他們也將於Rotary Club合作進行慈善活動。 馬星集團副總經理Ms. Lyanna Tew表示十分榮幸該公司能成為本次選美會的呈現代表,他們堅信對人民有建設的投資是意義且有價值的。她補充說,能夠與優秀人士合作是能創造更大的成功。 帝豪酒店區域總經理Mr. Hugo Gerrisen表示,帝豪酒店曾與D’ Touch多次合作,作為本司賽事的指定酒店,他希望彼此間的良好合作關係能持續下去。 此外,世紀教育集團有限公司的集團藝術總監Mr. Chia You Cheong也捎來另一則好消息,世紀教育集團將贊助3個總值20萬令吉的獎學金予三名優勝者,可在世紀大學的網絡校園進修任何學士、碩士或博士學位。 成功時代廣場執行董事Ms. Chryseis Tan代表公司為相關活動的成功獻上祝賀與嘉許。作為2014年馬來西亞旅遊小姐競賽的指定購物中心,希望能夠配合主辦單位帶領相關選美賽事達到另一高峰。 另一方面,代表Commune Furniture Sdn Bhd 的品牌經理Mr. Brian Kudamarta也盛情出席本次記者招待會。他表示,該公司在馬來西亞是一家全新成立的公司,但在新加坡及印度尼西亞皆已穩定發展,他十分開心能夠在馬來西亞通過這選美活動,宣傳並分享該公司的服務平台。 Mr. Lim Soon Hooi作為Yigaho Corporation Berhad總裁表示,美麗與健康都人生都十分重要,這也是本次選美賽事的用意。 作為指定一站式媒體宣傳公司Coronar 將會聯同下雜誌品牌,提供多媒體宣傳平台,包括硬照拍攝與視頻攝影。 Coronar CEO Ms. Rachelle Ng表示,該公司能夠通過不同的角度呈現所有參賽者的美麗與才華,促進並提升美姐品質;同時也憑藉旗下品牌《96生活誌》擴大宣傳管道。除了選美參賽者,Coronar亦能為主辦單位、贊助商及所有參與人士打造有助於提升商機的良好平台。 此外,Coronar與《96生活誌》也將在官方面子書舉辦“網絡最受歡迎美姐”投票競選,增強賽事的激烈與精彩。 此外,上一屆大馬旅遊小姐Thaarah Ganaesan也盛情出席本次記者招待會,分享得選後的經歷與收穫,並表示從中學習了很多、在世界各地結識了許多新朋友,同時鼓勵本屆參賽者把自己最好的一面展現出來。 18名候選佳麗逐一出場自我介紹,並與贊助商們合照留念。總決賽將會在8月23日在帝豪酒店進行。
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 01:02:25 +0000

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