Ever since I wrote an article about how to choose clean protein - TopicsExpress


Ever since I wrote an article about how to choose clean protein powder, I get questions every day about specific brands (thank you for your trust in me!). Im not interested in telling you to buy or not to buy a specific brand, Im interested in teaching you what to look for in your food and what to watch out for on the ingredients list. For example, someone sent me a picture today of the ingredients in her protein powder, telling me she thought it was healthy because it was soy, gluten, dairy free and all organic ingredients and sweetened with Stevia. Thats great but its what theyre not telling you...on reading the ingredients, one of the first ones listed is evaporated cane juice which is another word for SUGAR. There is nothing wrong with sugar guys, not when youre eating it ON PURPOSE. Its the sneaky sugar that gets ADDED to your foods and supplements and in this case protein powder that gets you, pads your body with fat and keeps you from seeing the results of your hard work in the gym or with your fitness plan. Dont read the catchy phrases on the package and popular diet catch phrases, READ the LABEL and see the ingredients. Once youve looked up ingredients on your phone at the grocery store a few times, youll start to have a good handle on what stuff is and be better able to make smart choices. Look, protein powder isnt cheap, and the better made, less processed ones are definitely not something I want to add to my grocery bill on a weekly basis. Thats why its so important to eat a good balance of whole foods that provide you with all the nutrients you need daily - protein being one. I like to add a serving of protein powder to a green smoothie or to a healthy muffin or pancake recipe to help me get the daily amount of protein I need for the exercise I do- its not about bulking up though if youre eating protein powder with a ton of sugar and additives in it expect bloating as a byproduct. :) just saying.... And heres the article everyone reads that has the protein powders in it I used as examples of what to look for when selecting a quality product: thebettyrocker/top-5-protein-powders
Posted on: Fri, 23 May 2014 01:32:43 +0000

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