Ever since reading about pennies from heaven (pennies found on the - TopicsExpress


Ever since reading about pennies from heaven (pennies found on the ground are tossed there by an angel in heaven watching after you), Ive believed it. That being said, Ive got a little story to share. Yesterday morning I left the house, headed to drop my niece off at school and then to Walmart for a couple of Cokes for the house. The direction I took to Walmart led me past the cemetery. Not really thinking about it, I kept driving. I had only gotten 50 feet or so past the entrance before it dawned on me where I was and I doubled back. I HAD to go visit mommas grave! Upon leaving, I realized I had stayed a bit longer than Id intended and I decided to skip Walmart and just stop at one of the little convenience stores near the house. Eyes puffy from my most recent crying spell sitting by the grave, I entered the store and mumbled a barely-audible Im okay when asked by the sales clerk Hey, howre yall doing? Hurriedly I walked to the back of the store, grabbed up a couple 2 liters and headed for the register, eyes down-trodden the whole time because I just didnt want to look at anyones possibly smiling face just then. I was about 3 feet from the register when I saw it laying there, all coppery bright and shiny on the scuffed-up floor: my penny from momma! And even as a couple of tears rolled slowly down my cheek , I was smiling. My mommas looking out for me!! Now, pennies from heaven might not be real but youll never convince me otherwise. And Ive got an idea that my penny collection is about to start growing :) On a side note, as I walked outside and was almost at the truck, there lay another penny. I figured it was granny :)
Posted on: Fri, 04 Apr 2014 11:13:00 +0000

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