Every couple of months I ask my BOOM Bodyshaping, Platinum Online - TopicsExpress


Every couple of months I ask my BOOM Bodyshaping, Platinum Online & Lifestyle Club coaching clients a very important question: “What can I do for you to make your experience with your coaching program even better?” I typically get some great suggestions and sometimes I simply get questions they’d like answered. A couple days ago I got a response from a Platinum online coaching client who simply had some questions she wanted answered. Some of the answers will be kept for clients only, but I’d like to address one of the questions with you today because it’s a common issue. She asked: “Now that I’m thinking, sometimes it’s hard for me to tell if I’m where I should be…. In that I mean in the class sessions it’s easy to see if you’re average or below (lol) in the amount of weights you lift since everyone else is doing the same exercises around you. But with working out alone sometimes I can’t tell if I’m really weak in areas or if I’m doing well.” First, the main thing to keep in mind is that you should be striving to increase *something* every time you workout. Whether you’re adding a little bit more weight or trying to push out a couple more reps. That’s how you get stronger and make progress. Even if you only increase your weight for 1 out of 3 sets for a particular exercise – that’s still an increase overall. Or if you push out 12 reps instead of 10 – that’s still an increase overall. As long as your doing a little bit better every day or week, that’s all that matters. Don’t worry about what the person next to you is lifting – focus on what YOU are lifting compared to what YOU lifted last time. That’s why a properly designed training program will have some repitition week-to-week. So you can get better at the movements and make consistent progress before moving on to a new workout/program/phase. Next, when it comes to increasing your weights or increasing your reps, it really depends on how you’re feeling. Some days you’ll feel stronger than others, when the planets align and a perfect storm of energy, mindset and optimal recovery hits. Other days you’ll have a hard time just getting through the warm up. Recognize that these days happen and adapt. When you’re feeling strong – take advantage of it and push your weights up. If you’re feeling weak or tired – take longer rest times and don’t try to set any world records. And when you’re feeling strong and pushing the weights, remember to ALWAYS leave 1 or 2 reps “in the tank”. What I mean by that is if you’re supposed to do 10 reps and on the 10th rep you feel like you could’ve done 5 more – increase the weight on the next set. But if you get to that 10th rep and you’re not sure if you’d even be able to lift 1 or 2 more times with good form – stop. Always leave 1 or 2 reps “in the tank”, even if that means doing a couple less reps than what’s prescribed in your training program. Knowing when to increase your weights is a very individual feeling and you need to pay attention to how your body feels during exercises. Don’t just go through the motions. Pay attention. Developing that “mind/body” connection is one of the most important skills you can obtain and will help you in all aspects of your life, not to mention making your workouts infintely more effective. Hopefully that clears up some of the confusion… And if you’d like to apply for one of those awesome coaching programs, you can do that risk-free with the links below: In Winnipeg? Click here >>> boombodyshaping/apply Not in Winnipeg, or just cant make it to BOOM Bodyshaping? Click here >>> https://reengineeryou/apply
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 15:50:10 +0000

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