Every day we wake up with a goal. We think about what we want in - TopicsExpress


Every day we wake up with a goal. We think about what we want in life. We think about what we have to do to get there. We plan, plan, and plan but dont take action. Then we come up with another plan of action. We tell ourselves well start tomorrow. We tell ourselves well start next week. We dont take ourselves seriously. We show weakness. We tell ourselves why well never have our dreams. We give up time and time again. We try to justify why we cant do it. We make the excuse that it was never meant to be, that it was somebody elses life. We take our dreams, and we put them on the back burner for someone else to pick up. Fear is a sickness. Fear will hold you back. Dont let fear consume your life. Dont let fear destroy your dream. Dont be afraid to fail. With failure comes reward, so fail forward. I heard a great quote one time and it stuck with me. The wealthiest place on the earth is the graveyard. Our dreams, ideas, and thoughts go with us to the grave. especially when theyre never told to anybody else. We tell ourselves were too week, we tell ourselves itll never work. The hardest step to take is the first one. Dont be afraid. Take that first step. You never win without the risk. Do you really want to spend the rest of your life living someone elses dream? Do you really want to spend the rest of your life wondering what if?Do you believe in yourself enough to take a chance? I believe in you! I believe you have the power within you. I believe that you have the strength. I believe that you have what it takes to be great. I believe that your dream is big enough. The real question is do you? You can either let your dream fall to the wayside, or you can make that change right here, right now. This is your moment. This is your time. This is your life. Dont build someone elses dream. Life doesnt bring opportunity to average people. Success comes from great people willing to take risks. Success comes from people who want change in their life. Who are you? Are you okay with your job? Are you okay with your health? Are you okay with your life? Do you believe that you were made for something greater? I know I was. So Im taking a stand. Whos coming with me?
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 00:03:41 +0000

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