Every human being born on planet earth is unique there is no one - TopicsExpress


Every human being born on planet earth is unique there is no one like you. We all come from different countries and therefore have different customs and cultures our folklore , foods, dances , vocabulary , and music ranging from country to country. But what happens when we become Christian? God , shows the world we lose our earthly citizenship , but if we divorce ourselves from our cultures and customs because the Bible tells us : 1 Peter 2:11 Live as servants of God Beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims , abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the soul. Philippians 3:20 But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. Then we realize that we are just passing through this world as our home is in heaven, and as pilgrims we must behave in such a manner and refrain from anything that divert us from our final destination, and thus our nationality and culture and are not what we truly identified. Because we leave aside our culture ? because most people who instituted the custom of our country were men who was very intellectual but had no knowledge that surpasses all human understanding , divine knowledge of God and therefore their influence in our countries has been a leading influence concientisacion man to sin , much less the knowledge of God . As we identify ourselves ? As Mexicans , Colombians, Puerto Ricans, Dominicans , and other races. If we are children of God then do not identify as such live and act according to the teachings of his word and not our culture or what our ancestors taught us earthly parents . Not that I have anything bad to say , Im this or that nationality but when it comes to identify as a Christian we should identify ourselves in the way we speak, act , and live the word says in Galatians 3:28 There is no longer Jew or Greek , neither slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. There are people who are still true to their cultures and customs are such anti - biblical and anti - faith and because of this they try to accommodate the Bible to their cultures and customs. The Bible does not fit into any culture culture should adapt to speech. This happens a lot with music eg Americans like rock then created a gospel rock the cristiano.La question would be something that I can take to been used for many years to exalt and worship the devil and is a force as powerful that it leads people to act corruptly , and put Christian lyrics and adapt to Christianity ? What are the emotions aroused some musical beats? It is truly music that leads you to want to enter the presence of God? Cause you peace in your soul? or insist you want to move your body ? I m Dominican and my culture is popular music merengue, and bachata for centuries these genres are known as music takes us to dance and move your hips in a very peculiar way but incorporated merengue, and bachata as part of Christian Sites musical genres also incorporated its rhythms and ranchera , cumbia , salsa , reggaeton and other genres . Not that bad but this is exactly the question here would be like God we will incorporate music and the rhythms of our culture to his gospel ? Imagine that Sunday when you go to worship the pastor says will play a meringue , one bachata, and reggaeton to enter the presence of God before bringing the message about this? Now I will leave that to your description and interpretation as I said I am from Dominican nationality I grew up with the rhythms of bachata and merengue but when I come into the presence of God in my worship time not put a merengue or bachata but a track that leads me to believe in God to cause me peace and quiet no music cause I want to dance and move your hips back and I say this with discernment discern the Spirit. So whats the music that truly pleases God the answer lies in this verse? Ephesians 5:19 Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your hearts . They are hymns and spiritual songs ? Says the dictionary that is a poetic or musical composition of religious praise. The song is a religious song to give thanks and praise to God. Psalms written by King David are a compilation of spirituals. In other words, the music must be directed to God , spiritual that connects you with the Spirit of God and not our flesh and emotions. Then we separate the culture of Gods things to Caesar what is Caesars and to God what is Gods. We can not justify our usual if it does not match what the revealed word , the Bible tells us to put off the rudiments of this world and re-generate our mind so that we know what is the perfect will of God. Colossians 2:8 Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit , after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ . Paul knew very well when we wrote about all these things because he had to deal with this issues especially when preached to so many different cultures and Corinthians having very strange and my pagan customs. When we come to Christ conformed to His image and we shed our old way of life, customs, culture, beliefs and everything old is made new no longer live as we lived before , much less identify with the world and its systems. But man always looking for ways to justify their bad habits, and customs, and many have adapted their usual church and have mingled the holy and the unclean. The church should be separated from all the pagan, worldly, and cultural our new culture is Christianity live as Christians and identify with the teaching of our Savior Jesus Christ there is a line that separates us please do not we cross . Blessings God Save the World, Inc.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 12:27:34 +0000

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